Payless opened a fake store to see how much people would pay for $20 shoes
Payless’ genius marketing strategy, where they tricked people to believe $20 shoes are worth $400, has gone viral.

Payless, a brand known for budget-friendly shoes, recently opened a fake pop-up store called “Palessi” in a Los Angeles mall and invited social media influencers to the grand opening, CNN reports.
The store was eventually stocked with Payless shoes in disguise.
According to their website, Payless shoes usually go for anything from $19 to $44. In their stunt, they fooled social media influencers to think Payless is actually a luxury brand.
In a television advertisement, a woman says she would pay $400 to $500 for the shoes while holding $19 shoes. Some ‘fashionistas’ even paid $600 for a pair of shoes.
Apparently the stunt included a ‘Palessi’ website and a legit Instagram account.
About 80 influencers attended over two nights, according to Payless.
Apparently, after the stunt was over, they returned the influencers’ money… and they got to keep the shoes.
Payless said the social experiment was meant to remind shoppers that Payless’ affordable shoes are fashionable too.
Payless CMO Sarah Couch told Adweek that the campaign plays off of the enormous discrepancy and aims to remind consumers they are still a relevant place to shop for affordable fashion.
According to CNN, a study published in 2008 tested the idea that price affects perceptions of quality. Subjects were given inexpensive wine to drink, but those who were told it was more expensive described it as more flavorful and pleasant to drink.
Some said this is genuinely great marketing campaign. What do you think?