Pack your suitcase! 58 places South Africans can visit without a visa
Here’s some free travel advice: forget the cost, paperwork and stress of a visa – take a trip to any of these places around the world and walk right on in.

1. Antigua & Barbuda
It’s on the edge of the Caribbean and they have a place called Jolly Harbour. Enough said.
2. Argentina
All the steak you could possibly want and you can catch the Jaguares in Super Rugby action.
3. Bahamas

You need to be told why to go? Really?
4. Barbados
See number 3…
5. Belize
Forget Australia, this is the visa-free place to be if you like your sea life and coral reefs.
6. Benin
Take a trip across the savannah of this west African minnow.
7. Botswana
It’s just next-door! Go on, pay the neighbours a long-overdue visit.
8. Brazil
Soccer by day, carnival by night down Copacabana beach.
9. Chile
Geography fans unite! Desert in the north, lush valleys in the middle, fjords and glaciers in the south.
10. Colombia
They’re using mosquitoes to start a war with other mosquitoes to keep you almost definitely safe from the Zika virus.
11. Costa Rica
Do you have environmental tendencies or a desire for eco-tourism? This is your place. They pride themselves on being as green as, erm, gold.
12. Dominica
Not the best island for beaches but volcanoes, hot springs and waterfalls galore.
13. Dominican Republic
Splendid for golf. If that’s your bag.
14. Ecuador
This includes the Galapagos Islands and those super cool tortoises.
15. El Salvador
They’ve had a tough time with some crazy weather, earthquakes and volcanoes. Pick your dates wisely.
16. Fiji
Great climate, great beaches and a great love of rugby. Bingo.
17. Gabon
Off the tourist trail but they do like a national park or two.
18. Georgia
To Europe, just about. Don’t miss beautiful, cultural capital Tblisi.
19. Grenada
The perfect place to top up your spice rack.
20. Guatemala
A dark and troubled history means plenty of archaeological sites for visitors to poke around in.
21. Guyana
Cricket and calypso music. Need we say more?
22. Haiti
Ravaged by disasters both natural and man-made. They could really use your Rand.
23. Honduras
A bit like Guatemala and El Salvador, for the uninitiated.
24. Hong Kong
Hugely popular with tourists from all over the world. Don’t forget your wallet, though, it’s pricey.
25. Indonesia
As close to Australia as you’ll get without filling in all those damn forms.
26. Ireland
Their British neighbours may have pulled up the drawbridge, but the Irish are as friendly as ever.
27. Israel
Home of the highest number of museums per capita in the world. Apparently.
28. Jamaica
A big beast of the Caribbean. There’s something for everyone.
29. Kenya

Whether you’re game or reserved, they have some of the best national parks going.
30. Kosovo
Your options in Europe are somewhat limited but, hey, try it once!
31. Lesotho
All hail the enclave. If you life in South Africa, just turn off at Bloemfontein and you’re practically there.
32. Macao
What do you mean “where?” It’s your gateway to China.
33. Malawi
Just a short hop up the east coast of Africa.
34. Malaysia
The origins of Cape Malay culture. And some whacking great skyscrapers.
35. Mozambique
Go on, it’s only up the road!
36. Namibia
See number 35…
37. Nicaragua
Tourism is growing all the time in this pretty place. Go quick, before everyone else hears about it.
38. Palestinian Territories
Politics aside, it’s not every day you can go to a place that people can’t decide whether it’s a country or not.
39. Panama
They have a canal that joins oceans together!!
40. Paraguay
Doing Brazil and Argentina in the same trip? Pass through here on your way.
41. Peru
See even more of the Amazon. It isn’t half big, you know.
42. Philippines
Enough islands to take one each. Probably.
43. Reunion
Owned by the French (yeah yeah, we know) but they want to see those tourists rolling in – so pack your beach towel and mountaineering kit!
44. Saint Kitts and Nevis
Of course it’s nice – it’s in the Caribbean.
45. Saint Lucia
See number 44.
46. Singapore
Ah the Garden City. It’s small, but massive.
47. South Korea
High-rises, technology… these guys are at the cutting edge.
48. St Vincent and the Grenadines
See numbers 44 and 45…
49. Swaziland
Another on the doorstep. Do it in a day, if you like.
50. Tanzania
You can’t ignore the iconic Serengeti.
51. Thailand
They have a special tourist police. Red into that what you will.
52. Trinidad and Tobago
You really should bend your back to get to the birthplace of limbo.
53. Tunisia

Another nation to have gone through the tourism ringer. But don’t lose sight of it’s incredible history and beauty.
54. Uruguay
Ranked first in Latin America for peace. Marvellous.
55. Vanuatu
Want to escape it all? Right here, folks.
56. Venezuela
From the Andes Mountains to even more Amazon. Eco-tastic.
57 and 58. Zambia and Zimbabwe
We reckon they can share Victoria Falls, don’t you?
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