Unemployed? Let social media help you to find a job
South Africa’s unemployment rate of 29% is set to rise. Use social media to help you find a job.

With unemployment set to increase over the next few months, use whatever tools you can to help get yourself back to work.
The advantages of social media
Social media gives recruiters a more holistic view of job seekers’ capabilities and interests. It also allows candidates to stand out early on in the recruitment process.
Research is of paramount importance to your job search and can mean the difference between success and failure. It allows you to target companies the right way. It will definitely impress and show that you can add value to the company. A social strategy will help you target the most suitable people in the most appropriate way. Creating and nurturing genuine relationships is at the heart of using social media when job hunting on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
Before using Facebook, you need to make sure it’s not hurting your image. It’s important to delete or untag yourself from any questionable posts or pictures. You should only post appropriate content once your page is scrubbed clean.
Connecting and becoming engaged with Facebook groups is an asset. These groups can assist you and propel you in developing yourself professionally and connecting you with other people in your field.
The most crucial social media job search site for any job seeker is LinkedIn. It is a powerful networking tool. LinkedIn can help you research companies you’ve had your eye on and assist you determine the best people to contact at those companies.
Many opportunities can be found through sending out invitations and keeping your profile up to date. Companies and recruitment agencies sometimes use LinkedIn to find applicants before they post a job opening.
Twitter can be used to identify leaders in a company you are targeting. You can get their attention by following them and retweeting their tweets. The fact that you are responding to their tweets and showing your value can give you an advantage over other candidates that are not communicating. It’s also important to be careful with the type of content you post.
Companies post relevant articles and other information related to any changes happening within the company. This knowledge can help a job seeker not only understand if this is a company they want to be a part of, but also give them an advantage in an interview setting.
It’s vital to keep your profile up to date while job hunting. Our digital footprint is likely to be spread across several different places on the internet. A good strategy is to google yourself and see what surfaces. You need to ensure that your social presence matches the professional image you want seen by prospective employers.
Maintain a positive motivated outlook throughout your job hunting. Your personality and attitude will also come under scrutiny in the interview process.
Smiling is a powerful tool that will make you memorable during an interview, networking or on the phone. It will most definitely increase your chances of passing the interview hurdle which could lead you to being hired.
This content has been created as part of our freelancer relief programme. We are supporting journalists and freelance writers impacted by the economic slowdown caused by #lockdownlife.
If you are a freelancer looking to contribute to The South African, read more here.