SA biotech company creates surface disinfectant to flatten the curve
Biodx, an industry leader in powerful, safe and cost-effective disinfectants, recommends appropriate cleaning and disinfection strategies during the COVID-19 outbreak.

With so many countries stopping exports of raw materials used to manufacture disinfectants and sanitisers – and with South Africans emptying the shelves in a panic-buying spree – the shortage of supplies is currently affecting essential staff.
Earlier today, the Democratic Alliance (DA) called for medical and critical supplies to be subjected to zero tax duty upon arrival in South Africa. The party said in a statement:
“We are now receiving disturbing reports about a shortage of personal protective equipment for our frontline health personnel. Shadow Minister for Health Siviwe Gwarube has written to the minister of health to recommend that local manufactures be brought on board and given a brief on what needs to be produced”.
Proudly South African company Biodx realised years ago that conventional chemicals would “fall short of controlling modern pathogenic outbreaks,” said CEO Burt Rodrigues.
Natural disinfectant
Biodx has for the past 15 years – in collaboration with the CSIR, TIA and IDC – explored natural solutions to a chemical problem. Rodrigues explains:
“We realised 15 years ago that conventional chemicals were falling short of controlling modern pathogenic outbreaks, eg listeriosis, and decided to embark on a search for natural, sustainable raw materials that are new to the many pathogens encountered today”.
Biodx applied for EU BPR registration and subsequently had products submitted for testing and verification to stringent EU NEN standards in the Netherlands.
Breaking boundaries in biotech
It goes without saying that Biodx conforms to the above standards. By harnessing the power of biotechnology, the team is “breaking boundaries, crossing new frontiers, and helping to evolve the future of disinfection”.
“Using a natural citrus extract stabilised with an organic biodegradable compound, which contains no chlorine, ethanol or aldehydes. Non-corrosive and earth-friendly, the formulation, called DECONT-XTM, rapidly kills 99.9% of many bacteria species and viruses.”
Biodx confirmed in a recent media statement that an active ingredient in the company’s products demonstrated “virucidal activity against enveloped viruses”.
This includes the novel coronavirus. The company also confirms that it has substantial stock to supply those in need, while also continuing to manufacture the disinfectant for “however long this pandemic lasts”.
“2019-nCOV is a new strain that has not been previously identified. However, due to a general susceptibility of coronaviruses to chemical disinfection, strategies are available to help prevent transmission and infection”.
Biodx (Pty) Ltd
Coronavirus (COVID-19) update
At the time of publishing this article, South Africa has 1 326 confirmed cases. The total confirmed global cases are currently at 803 650, out of which more than 172 000 patients have recovered.
The global death toll stands at 39 000 cases. So far, only three patients passed away in South Africa. Updates and statistics can be found here, and here.