This province has the fastest Internet speed in South Africa
Internet speed in South Africa depends on a series of factors, but the most important of them is the established infrastructure that can roll out the latest technology to make the Internet faster.

We are quick to complain about Internet speeds, and yet South Africa ranks in the top 100 countries, clocking in at 76th. However, we still fall short of the global average download speed.
Nearly 54% of the total population of South Africa are active Internet users, while the number of households where at least one person to has access to the Internet makes up about 59% of the total population. That’s a significant increase from last year’s data.
According to the data supplied by Stats SA, the province with the highest amount of Internet users, is Gauteng, where about 72.2% of the population is connected to the Internet. This is followed by the Western Cape with 68.5% and Mpumalanga with 58.1%. According to Quotes Advisor:
“Nearly one-tenth of South African households have access to the Internet at home. Access to the Internet at home is highest among households in Western Cape (23, 6%) and Gauteng (14,8%); and lowest in Limpopo (1,6%) and North West (3,5%).”
That said, with our 54% Internet penetration, South Africa is still a long way behind the rest of the world’s average of 57% when it comes to broadband provision and connectivity. But how does that translate to Internet speed and which province is in the lead?
Internet Speed
In the worldwide broadband speed league, South Africa could be doing better. We are currently ranked 76 out of 200 countries with regards to average global broadband speed. Out of all the countries in African, we are only trailing behind Kenya and Madagascar.
According to the Worldwide Broadband Speed League poll conducted last year, South Africa has a mean download speed of about 6.38 Mbps (megabits per second). That means that a high-definition movie of 5GB will take about 1 hour and 47 minutes to download.
Free State currently has the fastest download speeds in the country; about 38.7% faster than Northern Cape, which has the slowest download speeds. If your life and work depends on fast download speeds but you don’t want to move to the Free State, feel free to head out to the runners-up, KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng.
Interestingly, the two slowest provinces – Northern Cape and North West – are both situated along South Africa’s northern border. If anything, it at least gives one an indication of which provinces to avoid if fast Internet speed is what you’re after.
Mobile speed
When it comes to mobile Internet speed, we are the fastest on the African continent with about 22.42Mbps. According to Quotes Advisor, who analysed its website traffic, this varies from city to city:
The results suggest that Durban has the fastest download speed with 26.66 Mbps, followed by Pretoria with 24.25 Mbps and Johannesburg with 23.62 Mbps.
They explain that the difference in speed among the cities is so subtle that a casual Internet user would not notice the difference at all. The average Internet user spends about eight and a half hours per day online. That puts us ahead of the 7 hours for Singapore users; and 6 and a half hours in the United States.
Time on site
South Africans cellphone owners also spend a long time on the web every day – an average of 3 hours 30 minutes, compared to the global average of 3 hours 14 minutes. In addition, the report found that 40% of South African internet users had active social media accounts. Quotes Advisor adds:
WhatsApp was South Africa’s most active social media platform with 90% of internet users accessing the platform; followed by YouTube at 84%, Facebook at 82%, and Facebook messenger at 57% and Instagram at 54%.