South Africa and China; past and present… always a future

By Claire Heffron 28-08-13 21:50

The Chinese people’s fight for national independence inspired South Africans – now the two countries are set to further improve bilateral ties. China has moved into direct investment in South African wine and now in recent weeks, there have been two significant Chinese investments in South Africa’s media.

Dina Pule’s nepotism only the tip of South Africa’s corruption iceberg

By Sarah Ward 23-08-13 16:27

Elaborate methods are used by South African civil servants, politicians and even headteachers to extract public money into their own pockets. The latest incident of corruption saw Dina Pule, South Africa’s former Minister for Communications giving her boyfriend’s company a R6 million tender — yet her punishment consisted of being publicly reprimanded and fined one month’s salary. Even South Africa’s president has been accused of corruption — so how deep does the problem go and what is being done about it?

White space internet: exploiting the gaps in spectrum

By Kate Ferreira 22-08-13 10:13

White space internet provision is finally a reality with simultaneous trials now occurring in the US, Europe and even in South Africa, and the first commercial ventures in the arena have started too. But what are the benefits and limitations of the tech and where to next?

Access to Internet – a human right, a government headache

By Kate Ferreira 22-08-13 10:07

Increasingly, access to the Internet is being viewed not as a privilege of the rich or first world, but as a crucial means to global development and education, and critics are calling South Africa’s slow official response to opening the spectrum prohibitive. Pressure is mounting for the Department of Communication and new communications minister Yunus Carrim to open up additional spectrum for Internet provision. The message from frustrated Internet service providers is clear: Internet access is a crucial public resource that drives development of the sector and business as a whole.

South Africans abandon fixed-line, flock to mobile broadband

By Brett Petzer 20-08-13 15:56

South Africa has finally caught up with its more gung-ho neighbours in East Africa, where the existing lack of fixed-line infrastructure has meant that mobile technology was the default choice. However, in possessing an extensive network of fixed-line telephony, South Africa is alone among the major economies of sub-Saharan Africa in having the potential to develop low-cost fixed broadband

Legally Speaking | Long residence in the UK and settlement

By Breytenbachs 20-08-13 15:31

A number of clients approach BIC in order to find out whether they qualify for indefinite leave to remain, based on a very long stay in the UK, although often not on visas that can lead to permanent residence. Under the UK immigration rules, there is indeed provision under the Immigration Rules that allows one […]

Oscar Pistorius and the hero-worship of South African sportsmen

By Brett Petzer 20-08-13 12:22

There are murderers we instinctively greet as monsters. Reading of their exploits and seeking the damaged remnant of human mercy in them both entertains us, and reassures us that, say, the Modimolle Monster is not fundamentally the same as we and our loved ones are. Murderers, or those accused of murder, are entirely more troubling when they are people we emulated.

Wifi for the people: Telkom’s free internet offer

By Kate Ferreira 16-08-13 09:15

Local telecommunication behemoth Telkom announced plans this week to open their data network services to non-subscribers across all networks — in the form of 60 minutes free and “unlimited” internet access per person per day at Telkom Mobile hotspots.

Nine cops charged with murder of taxi driver released on bail

By Sarah Ward 15-08-13 11:02

Mozambican Modi Macia was tied to a police van and driven through the streets before he died in a police cell two hours later. The nine police officers accused of his murder have repeatedly had their bail applications rejected but magistrates say that ‘circumstances have changed.’


Die Top 10 Madiba-oomblikke

By 15-08-13 09:28

Nelson Mandela het ons uit Apartheid gelei, en Suid-Afrika het sodoende die ‘reënboognasie’ geword. Hier is ‘n lys van 10 ‘Madiba-oomblikke‘: tye wat hom die man wat hy is, en ons die nasie wat ons is, gemaak het.

11 reasons for a national campaign against gender-based violence

By Brett Petzer 13-08-13 12:32

If the South African public and the diaspora have emphasised Reeva Steenkamp’s life as uniquely tragic, the ubiquity of the violence against women in this country was not lost on Steenkamp herself. She saw herself, prior to being personally victimised, as already deeply implicated in the common fate that awaits 1,095 South African women this year.

Blimps across the savannah: how to sidestep the broadband gap by thinking big

By Brett Petzer 08-08-13 13:07

As the world’s premier internet and software giants compete with local entrepreneurs to bring the internet to rural and urban Africans at meaningful speed – and as the immense creative energies of millions of people are optimised as a result – it is motivating to note that, while governments squat on telecoms monopolies, the message that the status quo is no longer acceptable has hit home at the grassroots.

Nelson Mandela’s Living Legacy | 1963 – Raid on Lilliesleaf

By Brett Petzer 07-08-13 11:47

The raid on Liliesleaf Farm turned into an own goal for the Government as the trialists used the resulting publicity to highlight their political cause; one of Mandela’s speeches — inspired by Castro’s “History Will Absolve Me” speech — was widely reported in the press despite official censorship.

KZN announces 4000-seat outsourcing park to meet demand

By Brett Petzer 26-07-13 13:35

Durban’s welcome to investors is therefore a warm one, although there is currently no large agency exclusively focussed on bringing BPO investment to the city. However, the synergies available to those near the Tradeport will in themselves constitute a major attractor for foreign and domestic outsourcing business.

Saffas in Uniform: Mischa Dubrovo | Royal Marine

By Brett Petzer 25-07-13 11:24

After excelling at the extremely demanding team sport of rowing at St Benedict’s College, Mischa decided to make a career of teamwork by signing up for the Royal Marines, which first meant passing what is arguably the working world’s toughest physical challenge.

KZN outsourcing surges with Aegis landing

By Brett Petzer 25-07-13 10:20

The KZN staff join the company’s 2000 existing employees in Johannesburg in a company that has experienced 30% year-on-year growth in its five years in South Africa, with plans to expand in Ghana, Nigeria and Kenya as soon as adequate local partners could be found.

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