
Magical Malawi: The ‘warm heart of Africa’

By Mia Russell 13-09-20 10:00

Known as the ‘warm heart of Africa,’ and dominated by the magnificent Lake Malawi, the country offers a mixture of beautiful landscapes, fascinating wildlife, warm, friendly people, and rich culture that come together to make this small nation a wonderful place to visit.

Africa Vision Malawi has presented a garden for the future at the RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show

By John J. Cole-Morgan 04-07-15 12:19

Gabrielle Evans from Marmalade Jam Landscapes has created a garden for Africa Vision Malawi for this year’s RHS Hampton Court Flower Show that will take your breathe away. A truly educational piece of work and the story behind it is something every small garden can use and utilise to get the best out of your garden, no matter how small a space it is.