Opinion: Time to change S.A’s apartheid townships

By CNBC Africa 09-12-16 09:03

Municipal government throughout South Africa continues to own upwards of five million urban plots currently occupied by previously disadvantaged individuals. Many of these individuals were denied, in the past, the right to own any property by the apartheid government, and have lived on these properties for their entire lives.

Cultivating a generation of young leaders

By Paul Bushell 05-04-16 10:43

I was part of a leadership workshop this week with a group of young leaders. The venue for the workshop was Liliesleaf Farm in Rivonia, which was a safe house for Nelson Mandela and the other ANC stalwarts accused of treason in the infamous Rivonia Trail. It was here that they planned to overthrow the Apartheid regime by force.

Political crisis of a born-free South African

By Letter to the Editor 17-02-16 08:36

Some days ago I got to see democracy in action. Demonstrators had congregated on the town square in front of Durban City Hall in the hours leading up to the State of the Nation address. The cause: President Jacob Zuma’s reign and the corruption which seems to plague his and numerous other offices. Unfortunately, what I read as a protest taking issue with economic fraud and negligence devolved into race based polemics.