Don’t let the UK winter ruin your braai

By Braai365 03-11-14 09:07

With winter fast approaching in the UK, there are few things to make sure you do so that you can carry on enjoying the braai. Make sure you get stocked up on the necessities before the long slog

Braai Master UK: a braai, some Saffas, and great times

By Braai365 29-09-14 08:03

What an incredible weekend it’s been on this side of the pond. For those that miss home, how do you make sure you feel like you’re home? What better way to do that than have 200 Saffas in a beer garden enjoying a braai? Couple that with raising over £1700 for our beautiful rhino and that makes for a perfect day out.

1 More Saffa | Sun’s out – It’s braai time

By Penny Matthews 21-03-14 12:02

Before I knew it, the sun had started to shine and blossoms and bulbs sprouted on random trees and fields of green. Spring is teasing the Londoners! Despite taking the pre-warned caution that this might be only a momentary thing, South Africans instinctively race to their webers and braai tongs.

Rainy-day resilience with a little pap and wors

By KatyPotatie 25-11-13 09:52

It rained today. That’s not unusual. What is unusual is that I don’t find myself shielding my face and running & hiding as if the stuff that’s falling from the sky is some unknown acid liquid ready to burn out my eyes and bleach my hair. It’s just rain.

Day 16 – Braai 365

By Braai365 02-06-13 21:33

BRAAI 365 | I headed up to the cricket ground on the tube with the CADAC carry chef in tow, and after winning our game we fired up the gas and cooked some steaks which were awesome!

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