Mmusi Maimane threatens to take government to court over day zero

Op-ed: DA’s quick fix policies will turn the economy around

By Mmusi Maimane 04-12-17 12:06

The rand’s recent downgrade to junk status by S&P, brought on by rampant looting of the state, will hurt the poorest most. It is a clarion call to action. We South Africans need to make some smart changes to reverse our spiralling poverty and debt trap. We must enable an open, high growth, high jobs economy.

Exciting Times for ‘Inpats’

By Ezra Claymore 17-06-14 13:10

For many years, South Africa saw the emigration of highly skilled and educated citizens moving abroad in the wake of numerous socio-economic and political reforms. This trend has, however, begun reversing with South Africans based abroad in the UK, US and Asia returning home in their droves.