Watch: Soccer player could face investigation after eating a pie on the bench[video]
Your team is playing Arsenal so what’s on your mind? Obviously,was it steak or steak and kidney?
On Tuesday night, UK non-league team Sutton United had a home FA Cup match against Premier League giants Arsenal. Arsenal comfortably won the game 2-0 but that’s not the real story here. Sutton United reserve goalkeeper Wayne Shaw is a rather large fellow, and Wayne is a rather large fan of pies too it seems.
Shaw says that the team had found out before the match that a betting company was offering 8-1 odds on a Sutton player eating a pie during the game. Shaw saw the opportunity and took it after realising just how hungry he was.
“A few of the lads said to me earlier on: ‘What is going on with the 8-1 about eating a pie?’ I said: ‘I don’t know, I’ve eaten nothing all day, so I might give it a go later on,’” he said. “Sun Bets had us at 8-1 to eat a pie. I thought I would give them a bit of banter and let’s do it. All the subs were on and we were 2-0 down.” – Wayne Shaw, Sutton United player/Pie enthusiast
The Football Association (FA) could potentially investigate Shaw as he was aware of the betting odds before he ate the pie, rules state players may not be involved with betting either directly or indirectly. The Sutton hierarchy of the club are said to not be pleased at all with Shaw’s actions.
Check out Wazza’s pie eating antics below. Based on his pie eating form how many matches do you think he should be banned for?