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  1. Hau Rock

    Hau Rock Porn Star

    Jun 25, 2009
    I've heard a couple of arguments around here that the age of consent should be dropped, many suggesting that women and men are physically mature enough to have sex when they are as young as 12 or 13...
    For those that might hold this belief, I thought I might point out to you what can happen to a girl when they do, in fact, have sex at that age...

    This is not even mentioning the emotional side of the subject, but there is a very good reason that all countries in the developed world protect children, cases like these are proof of that.
  2. Kimiko

    Kimiko Porn Star

    Feb 26, 2005
    Thank you....that's a valuable cautionary tale.
  3. blue28570

    blue28570 Sex Lover

    Apr 4, 2010
    As a parent I would have to say that 12 years old is not old enough to make this kind of decision. If you have been around any of the 12 yr old in my area you would understand my reasoning. Children should be allowed to be children.
  4. 2 Inch Jake

    2 Inch Jake Porn Star

    Oct 9, 2009
    I'm not saying that we should lower the age of consent but don't you think that we could find a few isolated incidents to discourage almost anything?

    Personally I think some changes need to be made but nothing drastic. All kids develop at different rates. I find it a bit hard to understand what goes through the average childs mind bc I wasn't really allowed to have a childhood nor did I want one.
  5. King Nothing

    King Nothing Porn Star

    Jul 26, 2006
    Alright coo! Jake jumped in! I'll man up! I wanted to comment, but this thread seemed pretty toxic...

    It's kinda ridiculous that my 17 year old g/f raped me when I was 15, or I raped my 15 y/o g/f when I was 17 (Only for a week and a half before her 16th Bday!)

    My grandpa was 20 when he met my 15 y/o grandmother. They've been married for 60+ years now, and he is a well-respected, accomplished, dignified man. VP at a major auto company, regional President of the Kiwanis, committee chair for various politician's campaigns, etc... That nowadays his life would have been ruined by Dateline at age 20 would be a travesty to the entire world.
  6. Hank5

    Hank5 Porn Star

    May 24, 2009
    Forget about dropping the age of consent. Drop the laws prohibiting conesntual incest, as France, the Netherlands, and most of the Scandinavian countries have done.
  7. Charlie_creamer

    Charlie_creamer Porn Star

    Feb 16, 2009
    I think what bothers some people is the situation where one partner is 19 and the other is 16 or 17. I find that a very grey area. I wonder how absolute the age of consent legislation is in most jurisdictions?

    As for someone like myself, the age of consent is a necessary protection to children who can easily be drawn to an older person for reasons which have nothing or little to do with sexual gratification.

    I think incest between siblings is far different than incest involving a parent and child. The psychological damage of a parent using their underage child for sexual gratification - regardless of the notion that the child may have instigated the activity - can be enormous.
  8. VioletAshes

    VioletAshes Porno Junky

    Jul 6, 2008
    So... fucking... sad... but this is one case out of millions and millions of people... so by using one very sad case we can generalize about all people... but then again because we know all women develop at the same rate... and that's why an age restriction by law is the best way to protect human beings.

    Using discrete examples to generalize a very broad spectrum of women (no two of which are identical), comes down to this:

    Some poor girl gets insanely drunk on her 22nd birthday and dies, and that's why we should increase the drinking age to 23. Some poor woman dies in childbirth at age 30, obviously all women at age 30 are not ready to have children... why is everything in this world age related? Instead of looking at the individual in question, we look at the age.
  9. 2 Inch Jake

    2 Inch Jake Porn Star

    Oct 9, 2009
    That is exactly the small changes i'm talking about also.

    30 and 12 isn't a go

    50 and 14 isn't a go

    15 and 14 should be

    17 and 15 should be

    et cetera, et cetera, et cetera

    The only girl younger than myself in my teens that I ever was interested in was 15 when I was 18, she was very mature, like myself but when I found out she was only 15 I never spoke to her again bc of the possible consequences. Too bad though, I saw her a few months ago and she was smokin hawt!
  10. Oz_Homer

    Oz_Homer Sex Lover

    May 26, 2006
    Yeah, I can relate to that...something similar happened about 9-10 years ago to me. She was about the same age, and interested in me, but there was no way I was going to go there — for the same reasons. I wouldn't have been her first, either.
    She ended up getting with a 19 year-old who treated her like shit.
  11. 2 Inch Jake

    2 Inch Jake Porn Star

    Oct 9, 2009
    Yeah exactly, in my situation her dad was the one that told me, said he was fine with it and thought I was a nice guy but just wanted to make sure I knew bc her sister and all her friends told me she was 18. I still ran away..lol. All it takes if one parent to have a bad day and think to themselves "well, he is TECHNICALLY raping my daughter, statutory and all" for you to get in a whole shit load of trouble.
  12. Doc Slim

    Doc Slim Sex Machine

    Dec 23, 2008
    Although sex is loads of fun, it is also the way we make babies. 12 year olds with babies. TWELVE. :eek:
  13. ForMyLittleOne

    ForMyLittleOne Porno Junky

    Nov 11, 2009
    This is a bullshit reason against dropping the age restriction on sex. Should it become illegal for people over 65 to have sex? Wouldn't want them to die from sex, would we?

    You cannot use a single, uncommon incident as reasoning for restricting an entire group of people. There are many, many factors involved. How many people have had their lives ruined and/or been murdered because someone falsely accused them of sexual contact with a minor?

    Every coin will be flipped. When your head is in the air, where will it land?
  14. Oz_Homer

    Oz_Homer Sex Lover

    May 26, 2006
    Oh yeah. The other thing I was worried about was: What if I broke up with her, and she got pissed off with me, and decided to tell the cops that some 24 year-old had been diddling her?
  15. 2 Inch Jake

    2 Inch Jake Porn Star

    Oct 9, 2009
    That brings up a whole different topic. Sex education is very important and most kids get none at all. I learned about sex from porn. lol
  16. 2 Inch Jake

    2 Inch Jake Porn Star

    Oct 9, 2009
    That is another thing to be worried about, it's happened quite a few times.
  17. King Nothing

    King Nothing Porn Star

    Jul 26, 2006

    My baby brother is only five years younger than me, but that puts us completely in different schools at certain times, and it also puts us into different administrations as per the State of Michigan. I grad'd in 98 and the state leg and the school board local and state were all Democratic when I was in middle school. I received excellent sex ed. I was probably 27 before I even had sex without a condom (and I'd been with the girl for awhile at that point).

    My baby bro - 5 years later - attending the same schools under Republican adminstrations in the state leg, the local and the state school boards in Michigan - got ABSOLUTELY NO SEX EDUCATION. Middle school Health class (which included sex ed for me and was a separate class) was merged completely into Phys Ed.

    And here he is, 24 with a toddler out of wedlock. Surprise!!! :mad:
  18. ForMyLittleOne

    ForMyLittleOne Porno Junky

    Nov 11, 2009
    I learned about sex from a 14yr old lez who learned about it from her daddy at 5, cousins at 6, and step-brother at 8. Major issues there and unfortunately some of her issues gave me issues. Really fucking sux to have her hate you and not want to talk to you for several days every time she fucks you.

    Children need to be protected but we have to do it wisely. Leaving them in a box until we throw them out into the world on their own is not a wise way of protecting our children.
  19. 2 Inch Jake

    2 Inch Jake Porn Star

    Oct 9, 2009
    Yeah, we never got any sex ed and ton of my classmates have kids now and lots of herp. I was always petrified of my dreams getting dashed by having a child too soon so I was fortunate to have some foresight. Others weren't, i'm almost 22 now and slept with quite a few hoors over the years and never even thought about stabbin the taco without a condom. I know a lot of girls don't like the feel of condoms but I give them the choice of me using one or me leaving, lol. Some of my friends used to joke that it was baffling to them I didn't have herpes or a kid yet but all it takes is a little knowledge. One of my friends just had a kid like 4 weeks ago, he actually wanted to not only take off college for a semester for a "break" when the baby was born but also take a break from work and let his dad support them I guess. Some kids are morons.

    Use condoms and don't share your carmex. lol
  20. Oz_Homer

    Oz_Homer Sex Lover

    May 26, 2006
    Yeah, that freaks me out, too.
    On a slight tangent, my (now) 22 year-old stepdaughter has wanted kids from about the age of 14. She became a mother to 3 before 21. Even though it's a fair bit older than what most people on this thread are talking about, it's obvious to me that she feels her life has been ruined.
    She barely copes with her kids on a good day, and Blind Freddie could see that they're not being taken care of properly. She's still with the father of these kids, but he's a half-wit (oops, intellectually impaired) — seriously. Between them, they don't make one decent parent.
    Having kids when unequipped for it ruins kids' lives, as well as the "parents" lives. Imagine what it would be like in cases where teens or preteens are involved?