Matric results: Motshekga praises Class of 2021 at Top Achiever breakfast
‘It’s a class that got the best of COVID-19. You couldn’t be here if you were an ordinary child. You carry the future of this country.’

The Department of Basic Education hosted a breakfast for the top 33 learners in the Grade 12 class of 2021 at the Houghton Hotel in Johannesburg on Thursday morning, 20 January.
Minister Angie Motshekga is expected to announce last year’s matric results this evening and individual results will be available on Friday.
More than 800 000 matriculants wrote the National Senior Certificate exam in 2021 and are eagerly awaiting their results.
The top achieving learners in public schools or “best of the best” as Motshekga put it were personally congratulated by the Minister and Deputy Minister Dr Reginah Mhaule.
Motshekga commended the top 33 learners for their great performance despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and rotational learning.
“The 2021 matriculants are a class of their own. We need to understand and appreciate the magnitude of having a top learner in 2021.
“It’s a class that got the best of COVID-19. You couldn’t be here if you were an ordinary child. You carry the future of this country, the hopes and aspirations of this country,” said Motshekga.
The pandemic’s first matric results, in 2020, dropped from 81,3 percent to 76,2 percent. It remains to be seen whether the class of 2021 can improve on that.
Motshekga is expected to announce the overall matric results at 18:00 on Thursday and learners will be able to access their individual results on Friday.