The top 100 things expats miss about South Africa. Part 1: Nature
We asked our readers living overseas what they missed most about South Africa. The response was so overwhelming we’ve split your answers into four categories. Here’s the first: nature and the environment.

The reasons South Africans leave their homeland for other shores are well-known, but for every negative there’s another positive. Here are some of the things we miss most about home:
Epic thunderstorms
The stars and the Southern Cross
The sound of crickets and bullfrogs at night
The mynahs at sunset
The vast open spaces of the Karoo
The local stuff specific to Cape Town — Table mountain, the wine route, the Brass Bell restaurant, Canal Walk shopping centre, Blouberg sunsets – I could carry on, but nothing forced us to leave, we have chosen to make England our home and we have found lots of goods things about here too. Just wish it wasn’t so far away so we could visit more often.
The South Easter
The bulbul singing his early morning song
The warm wind blowing on your face through the car window as you drive around the peninsula
Fields of cosmos and sunflowers
The smell of the earth after a shower
The smell of rain on hot tarmac!
The smell of a veld fire
Rain on a zinc roof
The big yellow ball in the sky
That smell of the ocean and the sound of waves crashing while you are lying in bed at night whilst on holiday in Durbs
The crashing waves on the coast as opposed to lapping water
Big waves and sandy beaches
Open spaces
I miss the sky at night. Never see stars here
Bright clear sunny days, without a single cloud in the sky. Sonskyn sonskyn sonskyn!
The bluest skies in the world, the sunshine and brightness (best feeling when you get off the plane and your eyes have to squint against the light, it’s that powerful and bright)
Read more:
The top 100 things expats miss about South Africa. Part 2: The people
What do you miss most about South Africa? Tell us below.