The Optimist | Not childless, not gay but I have the bloody tea …
Darling says this is an act as I am never happy and he doesn’t buy it. I am going to change the name ‘darling’

Seriously need your help today. Think of me as doubtful ‘Merryankles’ in the Pantomine needing the children to believe before she can do whatever. Sitting here with a drill upstairs severing the very core of my dark blooded brain, I am having my own little pity party. Avec Mr. Earl Grey and about six hot cross buns.
Sky News commented on an article that said you can only be genuinely happy if you are childless, gay and with a cup of tea. I have the tea. No mention of wine so must have been written by a … oh who cares. I have become a ‘bah humbug’ person. But seriously, take this morning. First attempt at happy; switching on every light at 7am to find the kettle. Darling says this is an act as I am never happy and he doesn’t buy it. I am going to change the name ‘darling’.
My first conversation of the day goes like this.
‘Hello my name is questionable and I received an email from you requiring information regarding your husband doing some locums with us years ago.’
I reply: ‘Yes. Thank you so much for getting back to me. Just confirmation of some dates.’
The pause. I call it the Headmaster pause. Always for effect and then your heart sinks as you just know he is going to be on your hit list.
‘You see, I do not know if he is your husband, and data protection cannot allow me to share information with you. Is he even in the country? He will have to email me, not call, but prove he is who he … (kill me now!)’
I cannot resist. ‘So, you are telling me that I woke up this morning and thought; let me pick a random company at whim, imagine a husband – email some idiot and ask him for information that has no real relevance to me? Really.’
Instead I say. ‘You must be kidding!’ and promise to get my other half to contact him. Bliksem!
The rest of this morning included a near cyclist kill in my lane, a retard with a hooter for balls, too much work, no chance of escaping over the Easter weekend to the sun, and the drill. Third cup of tea shaking in my hand, rat a tat, rat a tat ugh!
I do wake up and think like an innocent that today is going to be fabulous.
This is the Optimistic side to my nature. It takes little to bring me down. A horrid remark, sarcasm, doubt. Then there is the packed tube, the wrong coffee order and of course, the ranks of the stupid who do everything wrong but get away with it.
Did I hear you say ‘I believe in fairies?’ Ha, you said, get over it, get on with it and get the hell away from me you sulky witch. Thanks, needed that and all sorted.
PS was going to say ‘Merrybreasts’ but … no. And I believe in fairies. Just saying.
Read more Optimism:
The Optimist | Living in two places is the biggest gift
The Optimist | Those New Year’s resolutions
The Optimist | For Goodness’ sake