#TagTroller – Ranting about #banting
Noakes’ low carb evangelists are like disciples of religious sects; desperate fatties will believe #anyoldbull.

You know the feeling; you have slaved around the stove for hours and compiled the perfect combination of food. But as your esteemed guests start dishing up, there are some essential accompaniments that remain untouched. Those golden brown potatoes with the roast. The yellow rice with the bobotie. The pasta part of the pasta. And then it hits you – those friends sat around the table are #banting evangelists… Followers of the dietary saviour of all of Southern Africa, none other than the Lord of #WeightWatching: @ProfTimNoakes.
#Banting evangelists are opinionated souls. You can change the topic to public #breastfeeding a dozen times but they will banter on about #banting until you run out of red wine.
Banting – you might be surprised to learn – is not even remotely new. It was started by none other than a well-known London undertaker, William Banting, in the 19th century. Before starting his low carb high fat (#LCHF) diet it was said he was so fat he would not even fit into his own undertaking’s largest coffin. This would simply not do for the boss of the funeral directors to the Royal Household who took responsibility for safely disposing of the bodies of King George III in 1820, King George IV in 1830, the Duke of Gloucester in 1834, the Duke of Wellington in 1852 and Prince Albert himself in 1861.
By 1863, at the ripe age of 66, undertaker Banting was fit for a slim coffin and wrote a booklet called Letter on Corpulence, Addressed to the Public detailing the dietary changes which – eventually – got him to shed the pounds: four meals a day consisting of meat, greens, fruits and dry wine; avoiding sugar, starch, beer, milk and butter. Even without drinking beer – which will turn any old sodden life into a suicidal misery – he reached the ripe age of 82.
We all know selling a diet to desperate fatties is good business. No wonder Oprah Winfrey paid over $43 million for a 10% stake in @WeightWatchers international last year. The good Professor Noakes is merely following the money – and in the undertaker’s gravesteps, so to tweet.
In the wake of all of this, good marketers are no idiots. They know blindfolded disciples of any old religious sect will just about believe – and buy – anything. No Noddy badges then for @CheckersSA flogging their Easter chickens this year with: “Looking for an Easter Banting Bird? Try this recipe & carb‐free gravy! Yum!” Even the media has jumped on the #banting wagon. The @SundayTimesZA tweeting this week: “6 low-carb recipes you’ll enjoy even if you’re not #banting.”
But then there will always be the non-believers. With hashtags such as #SayNoToBanting, #BantingForWho, #antibanting and the rather clever #LowCredHighFraud on the up, the Twitter wars are truly twitterating.
Personally I’m a devoted believer in #everythinginmoderation, except when it comes to beer and tolerance for #cyclists. To make this world a better place we should have #morebeer and less #idiotsonbicycles. If the good Prof can wedge this into his grand scheme, I will bow at his altar for eternity.