Botswana’s elephant poaching crisis under scrutiny

By Louise de Waal 26-09-18 11:09

Reports of elephant poaching in Botswana are under the spotlight with various claims in national and international media that the current adverse situation is driven by anti-poaching budget cuts, disarming of anti-poaching units, poachers being spoilt for choice with wildlife finding a safe-haven in the country, and even the trophy hunting ban.

Transformation requires an entrepreneur’s mindset

By 07-08-18 19:58

True transformation cannot be retrofitted. It challenges a business to its core, and demands a new, fresh way of doing things. A transformed business is one that has been examined at every level in order to find opportunities to integrate new talent and build new skills. If we’re honest, this level of change is uncomfortable. It asks for agility and grit. In short, transformation requires us to think like an entrepreneur.

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