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  1. LuvMyDildos

    LuvMyDildos Porno Junky

    Nov 20, 2010
    Back when I began masturbating (around 15 or so) I experimented with anal play before I experimented with vaginal play, because I had had a traumatic pelvic exam when I was 13 that scared me away from sticking anything in my vagina. I could fit a hotdog wrapped in plastic wrap up my anus and it felt pretty good. Once I worked up the courage to insert something in my vagina, however, I completely lost all interest in anal play. I'm 20 now and several months ago I decided to try anal play again. The only thing I could fit in it, however, was an empty chap stick container, and it did not feel good. It gave me the exact same feeling as trying to pass a very hard stool.

    So why do people love anal so much? Do you like the feeling of passing hard stool? I personally find it very uncomfortable.
  2. 1159022

    1159022 Porn Star

    Oct 5, 2006
    Then this will definitely fit.
  3. Snoochies

    Snoochies Porn Star

    Feb 8, 2007
    I was horribly opposed to it at first. But hubby and I had made a bet and I'm nothing if not honorable.

    I didn't see what all the fuss was about. didn't see how it could possibly feel good. BUT IT DOES.

    It's not having something IN there (at least not for me. I can't speak for others..especially those who like buttplugs and shit up there all day). It's the movement. It doesn't always happen right. Doesn't always hit the right spot (much like vaginal play). But when he saws in and out of me at just the right depth and speed, it sets my pussy on fire. I get incredibly wet. I do NOT enjoy anal play for the sake of anal play. It stimulates and heightens vaginal play for me....which is not the case for everyone. some love for their ass to be played with and can use it interchangeably with the pussy. But for me, you can't play with my ass and not give my pussy her turn too.

    At first it is uncomfortable. But think back to like the first time you tried to use a tampon...at least for me, that was a horrible feeling and I couldn't imagine how a cock or anything else would ever feel good going up there.

    It takes time to adjust and sort out what things you like up there (if anything at all). And I don't know what your "preparation" was like but did you "empty out" first? I prefer a good enema before anything larger than like a quarter in diameter goes up there. I know I won't meet...erm... opposing traffic and when I get that "do I have to shit?" feeling, I know the answer is no and I can just relax and wait for it to pass.

    Try a finger some time. Put a condom over it if you're worried about it getting "dirty". just pet your rosebud like a tiny little puppy who's ever so slightly scared of you. Slowly increase pressure until you can feel the opening giving way. Then slowly work the tip of your finger in, playing with stroking the inside. Turn as best you can and pet from every angle. When you hit one of the sphincter muscles, go gently but firmly past that and once you make it through, wiggle a little, pet it, coax it to relax. For ME, it's the deeper regions of my ass that are most sensitive. Not that last few inches. I don't know if that goes for everyone. Sensitive isn't the word... erogenous. The whole damn thing is sensitive. But the parts that really respond are just a little past the second "ring".

    I've been messing around with anal for about four years now. And I'm JUST now to the point (after about a week of always having something in my ass if playing with myself) where I'm willing to stick something up there 'cold turkey' and even then, I'm usually already aroused to a certain extent. But hubby will be home in about a month and my goal is to have my ass a little less timid. When he left, it was much more of a hit or miss adventure with us. Sometimes when I was willing to do anal my ass wasn't. And sometimes it was. I would like to be more receptive to it than has been the case in the past. So I'm working on getting my ass to be more accommodating.

    Anyhow, point is, you have to approach it the right way. Try youtube for anal sex. there are a few really good videos out there (informative/educational... not porn lol) and most importantly, don't let pornos fool you. Even the biggest slut in the world needs to be worked over a little before a cock goes sliding in. Most stars have opened themselves up before the shot or (in a lot of cases) they stop the filming; let her open it up with sequential buttplugs or fingering, whatever; resumed filming, show him playing with it for a grand total of 30 seconds; then he plunges in. I don't know ANYONE who goes about it like that. Without proper preparation, you can do a lot of damage. It only takes one minor tear up there to turn someone septic or cause other issues.

    So my guess is (not that this comes out sounding how I mean it) that you're doing it "wrong" for lack of a better term.
  4. mrstennbabe

    mrstennbabe Porn Star

    Nov 17, 2009
    I have never thought ..not even once..that my husbands cock in my ass felt like passing a hard stool. I think it feels amazing, and I never last longer than a few minutes.
  5. 1159022

    1159022 Porn Star

    Oct 5, 2006
    So what does it feel like on the Bristol Scale??
  6. knoxvillainswife

    knoxvillainswife Porn Star

    Dec 12, 2010
    Well, mostly it feels that way because you're using a chapstick. It might be better to go back to the hot dog wrapped in saran wrap, or a small gel toy....And believe it or not I've used the chap stick before so I know what you meant, it is very uncomfortable.

    It's like difference between a real man and using a toy. Both feel good but nothing actually approaches the sensation of a hot cock.

    I agree with everything Snoochie's said, as always she is expert at anal advice.
    It does have something to do with the motion, and the angle, my pussy is always wet when doing anal.

    I don't know if it's a good or bad thing, but I don't need as much prep as Snoochie does. I can go from cold turkey for a year, to having anal sex with only a few minutes prep, however, that prep has to be very specific.

    I have to want it, and I have to know he does too. Hence why I never masturbate that way. It has to be very gentle, and teasing, and hopefully I've cum either vaginally or clitorally by the time we start.

    That climax completely mutes any pain signals my body might be sending.
  7. Jessicaxx

    Jessicaxx Sex Lover

    Feb 21, 2011
    Thats exactly what happened to me, painful at first but then it started to feel great after a lot of time and patience and I felt like I was in heaven. Of course I haven't had it in a while so now its back to being tight and painful, but I'm sure if ever the chance again it would feel just as orgasmic as it did the first time.
  8. Snoochies

    Snoochies Porn Star

    Feb 8, 2007
    it's a good thing. MOST of the time, I don't need any prep... at least not when I'm initiating. Sometimes we're fucking and I just want something in my ass and then everything goes fine. But if hubby comes home and says "wanna try anal tonight" those seem to be the times I need it. I think it's just that i wasn't arouse first (I wonder what it is about vaginal arousal that makes anal that much easier). Or maybe it's that KNOWING it's coming tenses me up cause I hate when we try and fail. I know what a disappointment it can be for him.

    Anyhow, all that "prepping" advice was more for someone who's never done it before than us "seasoned professionals". That's the Sue Johanson method, anyhow. lol.

    When we first tried, it was probably a good three days before hubby actually got to really get in there and do any actual fucking. Just a lot of trial and error and learning which ways to get it to open up. We now know what works and can usually get things going pretty fast.

    I personally have a lot of issues "back there" to begin with. So we're a lot more careful these days than before I had my gall bladder removed.

    I should also note that after my surgery it was a LONG time before I could do anything in the anal department. So after about two years of being able to do things pretty regularly, we cut waaaaay back and had a long period of it being like back when I was an anal virgin.
  9. knoxvillainswife

    knoxvillainswife Porn Star

    Dec 12, 2010
    I just feel that you were very lucky. The first time I tried anal..Lets reword that, the first time my BF decided he wanted anal...he was drunk. NOT the most pleasant time I've ever had.
    That could be why I'm able to relax into it so quickly, learned in self defense and the body never forgets.
    I believe I'm gonna be starting a thread on whether or not I'm a masochist soon.
  10. jmas

    jmas Sex Lover

    May 12, 2009
    jmas playing with your anus for a couple of hours will make you beg for anal. It is such a stimulating part of your anatomy.

    Post some pics of it. I love fresh female anus.
  11. Snoochies

    Snoochies Porn Star

    Feb 8, 2007
    oh, HELL no! I'd have turned around, offered to suck it, and bit the damn thing off. Hubby knew I was hesitant about it and had he not been willing to be patient and display what I know had to be a shitfuckingload of self control, he'd never have got near my ass again.
  12. LuvMyDildos

    LuvMyDildos Porno Junky

    Nov 20, 2010
    I certainly hope you dumped your boyfriend's ass after that.
  13. MorganxXxPiss

    MorganxXxPiss Porn Surfer

    Jun 9, 2011
    i for one love anal. its something that feels different i guess, i dont know how to explain it really. i mainly like the reactions of whoever is putting it in there. they're always very excited and seem to be enjoying themselves. i've done it with a few girls using toys, and they love it. :rose:
  14. Snoochies

    Snoochies Porn Star

    Feb 8, 2007
    I gotta say, think of it this way... if you just shoved a tube of chapstick in your vag and left it there, would you think that was a "thrill"? I doubt it. Try using something MEANT to be in an ass and see what you think.
  15. swingerguy95621

    swingerguy95621 Aspiring Hedonist

    Jun 13, 2011
    THE BIGGEST PIECE OF ADVICE IS THIS ....you CANNOT have enough lube when trying anal. GO SLOW !!

    Find something tapered. Don't use blunt ended objects (chapstick container is blunt) a penis may be big and the head big too , but even when its hard it will still compress to a point to make penetration easier.

    Once you get an object in, pass BOTH of your sphincters (outer is easiest , inner is stronger) let it stay in there for alittle bit. slowly move in an out. it will be uncomfortable, but like they say for everything else, no pain no gain. Sometimes it may hurt, but in the end , its worth it ( no pun intended lol )

    sex can hurt no matter how you do it. Especially when a a guy slips out of the pussy and rams into her pelvic bone at full speed. OUCH for both. i've actually had to stop sex one night , she was on top going so fast, i slipped out and rammed her clit so hard , i swear i broke my dick lol. it was sore for hours.