Opinion: The ANC is starting to look more and more like the NP of old
In case you missed it, the Mayor of Tshwane, Solly Msimanga, recently defied government by taking a trip to Taiwan and the ANC is having a fit.

Taiwan and China have a tenuous relationship to say the least. The liberation party, the ANC, recognises the One-China policy due to the Commie State helping the ANC during the Struggle.
In general, this relationship means SA bends over how and when China tells us – and not even within reason, remember how we denied the Dalai Lama access to the country on China’s orders? Or how the Government allows them to over-fish our seas?
It appears the Chinese act of goodwill during the Struggle has likely been sustained all these years by palm greasing in the higher echelons of the SA Government – if this wasn’t the case it is likely that the diplomatic status quo would have disintegrated long before now.
It is not surprising then, that the ANC babies threw their toys when Msimanga took a trip to Taiwan. They labelled it an act of treason. They did their utmost to frame his act of defiance in terms of breaking South African law, all to please or indeed, to placate, their Commie overlords.
Read:DA’s Tshwane mayor gives ANC the finger, visits Taiwan despite SA/China agreement
But, there is a striking discordant note amid all this hullabaloo. The ANC Government is responding, in hyperbole, to something that per top legal analysts is indeed fully within the scope of the law and Msimanga’s rights as representative of Pretoria – in short this is a response that would have been apt if government had broken an international treaty and incurred severe domestic and diplomatic repercussions.
And this did happen! That murderous S.O.B, al-Bashir, was let loose back in Africa by our own ANC Government; they violated both domestic and international law – a High Court order to prevent his escape, and the Rome Statute. The Government is currently facing a real diplomatic crisis overseas, and is still in contempt of court due to Zuma’s shit show of a Presidency.
How did they respond? The Government took an illegal unilateral move to withdraw from the International Criminal Court; completely disregarding the requirement to have this move ratified by Parliament. Moreover, no action has been taken against them regarding being in contempt of court; it is likely the Zuma Cabal will throw an expendable under the bus for that.
Hypocrisy, and a failure, no, a blatant disregard for law, a disregard for protecting and upholding liberty and the authority of the Judiciary is to hold a mirror to the ANC and see a chilling reflection: you look white, old and white – like Apartheid ghosts.