Local man tries to enter UK with “scrapbook passport”, fails
LONDON (In Other News) – Inspired by Mos Def’s world passport saga, a South African man tried to enter the UK with a document he “created during scrapbook class”. He was denied access. The man, who asked to remain anonymous, said he felt betrayed by the UK authorities as sharing his personal and family history with an immigration official was a private matter.

[Kindly note this article is satire and not based on fact]
“I made myself vulnerable sliding that document across the counter,” he said. “It took me a good two weeks to put together and sharing it, well, that took some courage on my part.”
The man and the official reportedly spent a “good couple of minutes” pouring over the document’s contents. Witnesses described the pair bonding before their very eyes in a tender display seldom seen at a customs desk.
“It was more than a passport check, that’s for sure,” said Sarah Fisher who stood in the queue directly behind the scrapbook enthusiast. “I considered moving things along, but they were really bonding, so I decided to give them some space.”
UK authorities have meanwhile confiscated the scrapbook and will check it for links with ISIS. The man has been deported back to South Africa and was asked not to return without the necessary paper work. The immigration official could not be reached for comment.