How Cape Town turned me into an angry black woman
Thandiwe Ntshinga bites a bitter racist pill in Cape Town and now understands why there is no thriving black middle class in the Mother City.
Okay, so, it happened. I fell into whiteness’ trap by becoming the dreaded ‘angry Black woman’. But how did this happen? How did a ‘token’ (remember, we can’t help the schools our parents sent us to) black girl go from revelling in the ‘rainbow nation’ to an angry black woman?
The simple answer—Cape Town.
Ahh, Cape Town! A city of majestic beauty with its mountains and beaches. A place of fun for all—where locals and tourists (both international and South African) join in a vibrant celebration of life. An escape from the mundane and conservative to creative liberal open-mindedness. You can never go wrong with Cape Town, right?
It is all a lie. Cape Town is an illusion. An illusion which beautifully masks a nasty truth about Cape Town—it’s nothing more than a racist ass city. The social structures of the city have remained relatively unchanged since the end of Apartheid. ‘Social Apartheid’ is alive and kicking in full force in Cape Town. To make matters worse, Cape Townian racism tries to be quiet, invisible, and covert.
But still, why am I angry? I guess the question would be, would you not be if it took you an entire semester to find accommodation leaving you to squat at friends and family (I later found out this situation was standard for those Black and new to the city)? Having your research (on poor whites, mind you) subtly softened and silenced by your white run Institution? Gradually, segregating yourself from any white dominated space because it is uncomfortable? Uncomfortable because the very same racial group that makes comfortable living in Cape Town damn near impossible for us, make us feel uncomfortable for being in ‘their’ spaces? Not really seeing an emerging and thriving Black middle-class in the city?
In relation to racial relations, being stabbed in the back whilst simultaneously smiling to my face surely was a first for me.
Nah man, it can’t be right.
So yes, indeed, it did happen. In reaction to whiteness, white privilege and straight up racism, I fell into whiteness’ trap and became an angry black woman. Good thing I left.
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