#FeesMustFall or #LosingMoreThanYouGain?
As a recent graduate from UCT I find myself caught in the middle of two competing views; to support the #FeesMustFall movement is to stand by my feelings and ideology of where change is long overdue, but to support the behaviour of a minority of students that is currently playing out across campuses feels wrong at the deepest levels of my being.
On the one hand, the outsourcing of workers and the amount they are paid has long been a concern for students and the rising cost of fees has also contributed to growing anxiety for students at all levels. The cost of a tertiary education is a major barrier to students of all races, but of course, in particular to students coming from an underprivileged background.
To expect students to pay the exorbitant fees being asked by Universities is tantamount to asking them to pay more in a single year than many of their parents are able to earn in a longer period. This hardly seems reasonable and although funding is available, the cost of study is much higher than simply the fees.
On this count I am completely and wholeheartedly in support of the student movement. Not only is it good, it is necessary if we wish to construct a different South Africa to live in in the future. No argument can really be made against the fact that we need to develop the skills of young people so that in 10 years time and looking beyond, we have the beginning of a skilled workforce to support the needs of our growing population.
Having said that, the way that a minority of students are conducting themselves on campus is appalling, to say the least. From burning tyres and breaking windows with bricks, showing a complete disrespect for the institutions that they feel entitled to attend, to directly and physically intimidating fellow students, issuing threats and disrespecting the administrations of each university, this behaviour is not reflective of a group of passionate students but rather that of a group of angry youths who lose legitimacy for the cause for which they advocate on a daily basis.
To the general public, these students expose the reality of the fight for a more equal society to be a thinly veiled excuse to encourage hooliganism and have a bash at a power play.
Well, here’s a reality check. Sending police to deal with violent students that are intimidating students and staff, are damaging property and are treating institutions of education as a playground in which they can throw whatever they can get their hands on at anyone who doesn’t want to play IS NOT POLICE BRUTALITY.
Or should students be immune from accountability for their actions? If any member of an ordered society chooses to wilfully opt out of what they understand to be reasonable behaviour and chooses instead to embrace lawlessness, they should be held accountable. It’s called being an adult. If you cannot behave like an adult, perhaps you should not be at University.
Don’t get me wrong, I am all for protesting and I believe that for the majority of students, the cause is just. I do not believe that undue force should ever be used and I do understand, particularly given our history, why force is such a sensitive issue on campus. Having said that, watching the news reports flood in from campuses around the country, I am left feeling surprised at why students think the force used is unfair. If someone came into your place of work and threw bricks at windows, I’m sure you’d want the police to respond with force.
If someone threatened your friend and you DIDN’T see action, you would complain. So why then do these students feel like it’s OK to disturb the workings of campuses around the country and then cry Apartheid when they have to be held accountable? Most of the young people on campus right now wouldn’t know what it was like to live through Apartheid – it’s just become a useful catch phrase to throw out when you feel like you’re in an unfair situation.
The blatant disrespect towards the millions of South Africans who suffered through the worst of it is what gets me – how can you claim to be fighting for a more equal country while at the same time, spitting in the eyes of those that fought before you? How can you fight for equality when you so easily refer to a fight you were not part of as if it is happening right now? We live in a democracy – it may be young, it may need a lot of work, but don’t ever compare the system we have now with the brutality and systematic disregard for people of colour that was Apartheid. Blame it on what it is – bad governance – and grow a pair big enough to face up to it.
Most importantly, and not most surprisingly, now that violence has become the means to apply pressure to get what you want, it seems that this subculture is doomed to continue, with incidents continuing to occur. The bottom line remains that if you reward bad behaviour, it’ll only encourage it. The blame for this, it must be said, lies equally on campus administration and on protesting students.
There is a strong argument that universities should listen more but equally, that students should set a better example. That is the burden of the young – to move forward and to develop the society in which they wish to live – not to continue to pull on the strings that have held others back. It’s a heavy burden, but the only one which will enable South Africa to grow.
Despite the legitimacy of the cause and the value of the overall movement, the current trend on campuses leaves many with a sour taste in their mouths and a bitter feeling in their hearts. Surely, with a cause so noble, a better choice can be made?