Explained: What S&P really means in its Zuma takedown
S&P Global Ratings is the world’s most trusted provider of independent credit ratings and after the recent cabinet shuffle, they have, not to put it too finely thrown us on the world economic s**t heap.
When S&P downgraded South Africa to junk status, they explained their actions clearly and honestly (actions that would’ve been terrifying to Jacob Zuma). We’d like to offer a little translator which tells you what we reckon they really mean, (or should have said instead). Think of it like the banker-speak Babel Fish. We follow their blueprint of Overview, Rating Action, Rationale, and Outlook.
“The negative outlook reflects our view that policy shifts are likely, which could undermine fiscal and economic growth”
Translates: Basically, your president is about as trustworthy as someone who openly admits to drinking embalming fluid through their eyeballs.
“The reasons for the deviation are the heightened political and institutional uncertainties that have arisen from the recent changes in executive leadership. The next scheduled rating publication will be June 2, 2017.”
Translates: You, Mr Zuma, could not organise a piss-up in a Distell parking lot and nobody believes you can put your shoes on the right feet, let alone steer the country out of the mess you’ve driven us into.
“Internal government and party divisions could, we believe, delay fiscal and structural reforms, and potentially erode the trust that had been established between business leaders and labour representatives “
Translates: If South African economy were a racehorse, you’d have done the equivalent of drugging it so much, that it crashed out the race and ran headlong into a bookies stand, thereby breaking its leg and having to be shot.
“The negative outlook reflects our view that political risks will remain elevated this year, and that policy shifts are likely which could undermine fiscal and growth outcomes more than we currently project.”
Translates: Zuma has pissed away the future of every South African citizen, but hey it’s OK because he managed to get jobs for his friends. Sorry, but you’ll be lucky if your country ever recovers.
It’s easy to see why S&P imposed the downgrade. South Africa’s newly acquired junk status will be reviewed again in June, which gives JZ just enough time to figure out which one of his tax-funded mansions would be best to hide out in.