Battling with poor service from home affairs, join the club?
The Department of Home Affairs wastes millions of Rands of Tax Payers’ money due to numerous court battles, abject inefficiency and laziness, staff knocking off early, and more.
The cost to the Tax Payer for court action against the department came to about R100 million in 2015 and, as the DA noted:
“An efficient and effective department should not be spending this amount of money on legal costs resulting from their own administrative failures.”
More and more people are desperately turning to the courts in order to get vital documents that they need to for visa applications, work opportunities and other economically-driven needs.
Thus the cost to the Tax Payer is indeed far greater, and it is not hard to estimate that the loss to South Africa in terms of tourism and business and other activities is indeed enormous. Often the turnaround time after a court order has been granted is expeditious – which indicates doing the job is not that hard, but clearly, it is laziness and ineptitude mixed with nepotism and cronyism that is at the heart of the problem.
You might even wonder if Minister Gigaba has been ‘captured’ as it appears every State-run service is severely compromised on delivery where the Guptas may have been involved.
I am aware at the time of writing that a Non-Profit Foundation in South Africa is considering mass court action against the Department of Home affairs, specifically with the intent of representing those without recourse to legal representation.
Such mass action would in effect ask the Courts for an order requiring the expedient processing of all outstanding applications submitted to the Court. Towards this end, we would like to ask you to share your story so that we can gather as many applicable cases as possible for future submission.
It is not right that we the taxpayer should shoulder the burden of a department that is failing at its basic duties. They are not doing us favours, they are servants of the people, our taxes fund their lavish lifestyles, it is time for us to say enough is enough and force this ineffective, corrupt government to show up for work!
A gatvol citizen.
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The department of home affairs was contacted on several occasions for feedback, but by the time of publication had made no effort to confirm receipt or comment.