Arch Desmond Tutu can leave even 007 completely speechless… just ask Daniel Craig
Who knew Desmond Tutu could have this effect on people?

Everyone loves Arch Tutu, even celebs. In a recent interview with DuJour magazine, 007 star Daniel Craig admits that he gets starstruck by famous people, too. One of those people who has left him speechless is South Africa’s very own Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
He recalled: “On a flight to New York recently, Alicia Keys and Desmond Tutu were on the plane. I didn’t go up to them.
“I smiled at Alicia Keys, but I couldn’t look Desmond Tutu in the eye. I wanted to go up to him and fall at his feet. It was one of those situations where I blew it completely.”
Daniel admitted he was tempted to follow in the footsteps of his own fans by taking a picture with the famous pair while they were asleep, but reasoned it’d be “creepy”.
He told DuJour magazine: “That happens to me so often, you wake up to a phone in your face and you go, ‘What the f**k!’
The Arch has been in and out of hospital recently with ill health. He is currently back in hospital and receiving treatment.