America is crushing hard for Trevor Noah and his accent
America seem to love Trevor Noah’s accent and his dimples. The papers didn’t give him the all thumbs up, but Twitter is crushing hard.

So, apparently the South African accent is sexy. No, not that “I are wearing jean pant” version of the accent, Trevor Noah’s accent. Noah made his debut on the Daily Show and America has fallen for him hook line and sinker.
The Gawker review said: ” Noah opened with some pope jokes that sounded like Jon Stewart bits delivered by an extremely handsome man with an accent.”
And Twitter agreed:
Trevor Noah’s accent is very soothing. I’m in.
— Amy Morris (@amynotlp) September 30, 2015
NY Magazine: “[Trevor Noah’s] South African accent was adorable. (I mean, did you hear the way he said Volkswagen? An eargasm.) ???? — Nelson Kgwete (@NelsonKgwete) September 29, 2015
Trevor Noah’s accent is dreamy.
— Addi (@adelaidelliot) September 30, 2015
I confess I am entranced by Trevor Noah’s accent. — Cynical Girl (@cynicgrrl) September 29, 2015
The bulk of the reviews from the first show were positive. USA Today said Noah had a “less than spectacular debut” and reckon he smiled too much. Considering Twitter’s reaction to those dimples, many were probably wishing that he would smile more.
The Guardian said he was okay, but he could do better. Vanity Fair said he looked a bit too much like he was reading from a teleprompter, but was confident that he will loosen up s the gig goes on. The Washington Post had great praise asking what America was so afraid of when it was announced that this dimple-cheeked South African would take over.
Overall, though, it is the American public that will judge Noah harshest. While the effect of his dimples might wear off and his accent might dwindle, overall, they seemed to love him. The next episode will air this evening.