5 more things you should never say to a South African
It seems that the article ‘5 Things You Should Never Say To A South African’ touched a raw nerve and there were hundreds of comments on Facebook with all the silly things people have said to us South Africans over the years. So here are five more things that you should never say to a South […]

It seems that the article ‘5 Things You Should Never Say To A South African’ touched a raw nerve and there were hundreds of comments on Facebook with all the silly things people have said to us South Africans over the years.
So here are five more things that you should never say to a South African (unless you’re cruising for a bruising!).
Do you live in a mud hut?
NO. NO! We have actual houses made from bricks in many parts of South Africa. Hard to believe when all the world sees is images of the majestic African bush, but we do have proper cities, with proper buildings and shock horror, proper houses too! With running water and electricity and everything! Well, maybe not electricity all the time…but you get the picture.
Do you have toilets in your houses?
Surprisingly, outhouses and long drops are not the order of the day in South Africa any more than they are in the rest of the developed world. Unless you’re going proper bundu-bashing, in which case, start digging that hole.
But you don’t sound South African?
How many times has this happened to you? It’s so ironic that almost no-one can get the South African accent right when it comes to impressions, film or TV shows but everyone thinks they are qualified to know what a South African should sound like. Next time an American or a Brit asks you why you don’t sound South African, hit right back with ‘Oh ja, I forget all Americans/Brits sound the same’.
Are there lions and tigers roaming the streets?
Aah, yet another favourite question from those unfamiliar with South African geography and wildlife. THERE ARE NO TIGERS IN AFRICA PEOPLE. Tigers are from ASIA. We live in AFRICA. The only time you’ll see a tiger in Africa will be in the zoo. Not roaming the streets. (We won’t talk about the lion that was roaming round Joburg the other day though…)
Are you from New Zealand/Australia?
Please don’t say this. EVER. If you can’t work out where we are from, just ask us. Don’t assume we’re from anywhere. Especially don’t assume we’re from one of our biggest sporting rivals. There’s nothing more insulting to a South African than being mistaken for being from Australia or New Zealand. OK, some pronunciations may be vaguely similar, but that’s about it. And we’re pretty sure this works the other way round too – never ask a Kiwi or an Aussie if they’re South African either!