19 things that make you truly South African, through and through
South Africa is home, even if you’ve jumped ship and headed for greener pastures overseas. We all carry our little South Africanisms through life with us, and we are better human beings because of them

These little habits and South Africanisms are sure to bring a little sunshine to your day.
Only you have the right to be critical of South Africa
Even though you mock, criticise and moan about South Africa, your country holds a special place in your heart. And, just like only you can complain about your husband, wife, brother or mother, so only a South African is allowed to find fault with South Africa. If any foreigner dares criticise her, well, they can expect a groot snotklap.
You are able to find the good in the worst of situations
Because, let’s face it, South Africa has seen the worst of situations. When the going gets tough, South Africans toughen up. You will see it in the everything of the white-toothed smile of a child with next to nothing, and in the toothless smiles on the back of a bakkie.
This is Makhosi Simelane – a Zulu woman in rural South Africa. There’s something about this smile that exudes hope. @OneDaysWages is proud to launch our 75th partnership. This time with @ZimeleUSA. This grant will come alongside 150 Zulu women with training, skills, and tools. When a woman gains the farming skills to feed her children and increase her family’s income, that’s what we call empowerment. Check out onedayswages.org. A photo posted by Eugene Cho (@seattlejediknight) on
Your family is enormous and inclusive
Everyone you encounter is Auntie this, Uncle that, Mama, Sisi or Bhuti. And not because you’re forced to call them that. But because you do, quite naturally.
Exploring the Cape Malay Quarters of #BoKaap #CapeTown #SouthAfrica #Africa #OasisOverland #Travel #TravelPhotography #HumansOfAfrica #HumansOfTheWorld A photo posted by Chae Amando (@chaeamando) on
You reply with “shame” to a diverse range of situations
“Need a ride to the shops?”
“Shame man, don’t worry!”
“Look at this lion cub!”
“Ag shamepies man, it’s so oulik!”
Motherly love at its best. Photo by @wolweaver #ThisIsSouthAfrica A photo posted by southafrica (@southafrica) on
You have a practised story you tell foreigners
Every time you travel abroad and someone asks where you’re from, you launch into your summary of South Africa’s history and current situation. You find yourself explaining that Africa is not a country (in the nicest way possible) and that no, you do not know their friend in Kenya.
Now leave me alone, before I set my pet penguin on you.
A badass Jackass penguin at Boulders Beach in Simonstown. Photo by @vicquiknickelbein #ThisIsSouthAfrica A photo posted by southafrica (@southafrica) on
You have a reflex response to every hawker or beggar
Either a sympathetic smile, a curt “No thank you,” a complete blanking or a cubbyhole full of coins.
Watch #Jozi‘s homeless #TrafficLightTeacher live in action as he teaches motorists isiZulu! http://t.co/6mP9lYyMuw pic.twitter.com/0VUPkB80KC — TheSouthAfrican.com (@TheSAnews) January 20, 2015
You have respect for your elders
Because you were probably donnerd with a wooden spoon when you were a laaitie.
Getting Ben prepared for next weekend! #SixNations #Scotland #Rugby #WoodenSpoon A photo posted by Steve Robertson (@stevejrobertson) on
You associate Christmas with fun in the sun
Braais, dips in the pool and cold desserts (like don pedros and peppermint crisp tart) are all part of the Christmas parcel. You will take sand between your toes over snow and frostbite, any day.
A very South African Christmas… Yeah its summer now. #summer #christmas #southafrica #southafrican #santa #fatherchristmas #claus #umbrella #beach #sun #nosnow #water #sea #ocean #savibes #saxmas A photo posted by @ashsmulian on
Everything is lank chilled
And if you’re not chilled, someone will tell you to chill out. Or your mother or auntie will tell you to take a chill pill.
Floating in natural rock pools. Only if you insist. Photo by @pletttourism #ThisIsSouthAfrica A photo posted by southafrica (@southafrica) on
You are very apologetic, all the time
You say sorry to get someone’s attention if you need attending to. You say sorry when pushing your way through a crowd. If you didn’t hear someone? Sorry.
Your braai is in use all year round
You shall braai, no matter what the weather. No power? No problem. Just braai everything you’ve got in the fridge.
#braai A photo posted by Braam La Grange (@braamgrange) on
You’re pretty patriotic about most sports
Or at least the one’s South Africa’s good at. You are South Africa’s number one rugby or cricket fan at the World Cup, but when it comes to soccer… well you support Bafana Bafana until they lose, then you move swiftly along to support your favourite European team.
#SARugby #eddiesolomon enjoys all sports #SA A photo posted by Tamara Solomon (@tamaramele) on
You’re used to public transport working on African time
You know to avoid the train unless you feel like a leisurely low-speed commute punctuated by brief pauses. If you’re seeking a thrill, you know exactly how to hail a South African taxi. And you also know how taxi drivers (and many other cocky South African drivers) are above the law when it comes to the rules of the road.
The train tracks in Woodstock, Cape Town. Photo by @hipebeast #ThisIsSouthAfrica A photo posted by southafrica (@southafrica) on
You will choose South African snacks over any other snack
No fancy appetisers or pre-dinner snacks top biltong and a beer (or Savanna).
A little taste of home tonight, A savanna and some homemade biltong
You’ve pretended that it’s your birthday at the Spur
Just that one time. Just to get your free ice cream with a sparkler and your birthday song.
#Delayed_Post #Birthday_Girl #Beautiful_Smile #Emperors_Palace #Spur A photo posted by Linda Elle Gwebu (@elleugee) on
You are surprised by very little
And you know that absolutely anything can happen on the back of a bakkie.
Yo wheres the #party at.. everywhere! #voortrekkerroad #jakesgeweldroad #bakkie #pickup #shots #beers #brandy #southafrican #traffic #parkbench #startaparty A photo posted by SAM (@samirsamaai) on
You take public holidays very seriously
Because in South Africa, if the holiday falls on a Sunday, you know for sure that you will have the Monday off. Hell, the kids get the entire week off school, just for lols.
Our future, shining brightly in Maboneng. Photo by @peace.matisse #ThisIsSouthAfrica A photo posted by southafrica (@southafrica) on
You can (hopefully) speak two or more languages
And use them interchangeably, code switching and adding a South African flavour to your conversations.
This is Joseph, a cattle herder who lives and works on the outskirts of Johannesburg. Photo by @thatchriswessels #ThisIsSouthAfrica A photo posted by southafrica (@southafrica) on
You probably slip some of the following words or phrases into your conversations
Nooit, izit, howzit, lekker, shap, bokkie, yebo, klap, swak, tune, kak, big time, now now, just now, ja nee, befok, bliksem, lank, smaak, skeef, kif, jol, jislaaik.
And I’m sure you could use one of many South African expressions to caption this picture:
Fishermen in Durban battle the early morning wave surges. Photo by @dane_forman #ThisIsSouthAfrica A photo posted by southafrica (@southafrica) on
Also read:
Nine words British people use that mean something different to South Africans
13 Things non-South Africans will never understand
11 of the funniest things South Africans tried to sell on Gumtree
10 South African words we use for food which confuse the rest of the world