Woman fights back and bites off piece of alleged rapist’s tongue
A brave woman fought back against her attacker and bit off a piece of his tongue before she was overpowered.

Last week, we wrote about a man in Sheffield who had his ass kicked by a woman he attempted to rape. This week, something similar has happened right here in Mzansi.
The man attacked a 66-year-old woman and raped her. But she fought all the way through and bit off a piece of his tongue. The man has since been arrested.
According to News24, Police spokesperson Captain Jackson Manatha said the woman had been alone at home at home in Sigangala Location in the Mnyameni Village, Centane alone on Friday evening when she had heard a knock on the door.
Her attacker forced himself into her house and her bedroom and forced himself on her, staring to kiss her.
“The brave woman fought back and in the process of the struggle she bit off the piece of the suspect’s tongue,” said Manatha.
“The man eventually overpowered the woman and raped her, despite having a piece of tongue bitten off.
The woman had kept the piece of tongue and handed it over to Centane Police as evidence.
Manatha said the alleged rapist had been tracked down by police on Saturday and was arrested. Police noticed that his tongue had been bitten.
He said the suspect has been charged with rape and will appear before the Centane Magistrate’s Court on December 7.