Mistaken identity at State Capture Inquiry: Who is JH van Loggerenberg?
Will the real Johannes van Loggerenberg please stand up? There’s been a bit of confusion surrounding today’s State Capture Inquiry witness.

After an explosive first day in 2020, the State Capture Inquiry is ready to welcome a fresh batch of witnesses on Wednesday. Two former government employees have already lifted the lid on Jacob Zuma’s corrupt practices, and we’re expecting similar testimony to follow from Johannes van Loggerenberg – that is, if the right person shows up.
Which van Loggerengberg is testifying at the State Capture Inquiry?
The Zondo Commission has been hit by a rare case of mistaken identity. The panel announced earlier this week that a “Colonel van Loggerenberg” was due to share evidence in Parktown. Initially, those reporting on the case believed it to be the former SARS chief who was accused of running the tax firm’s “rogue unit”.
Same name, both in law enforcement, both involved in high profile cases. Not the first time the two of you have been confused with the other.
— IRS Forensic Investigations (@FraudWatchZA) January 14, 2020
“We are in no way related”
But Fraud Watch SA were the first source to deny this was the case. Once corrections had been issued, the former SARS executive made a statement, adding further clarity to the situation:
“As what occurred when the list of state witnesses was made public during the Jacob Zuma case, I am once again being wrongly identified. Colonel JH van Loggerenberg is not me. It’s a completely different person and we are in no way related. I’ll say it again, I am not testifying at the State Capture Inquiry on Wednesday.”
Johan van Loggerenberg
Will the real Johannes van Loggerenberg please stand up?
The person sat in the state capture hot seat this morning has an extra three letters on the end of his name. Johannes – or “Hans” – served as a special investigator for the now-disbanded Scorpions unit. The former crime-fighting body were disbanded during the Jacob Zuma era, after they were implicated in the spy tapes saga.
This van Loggerenberg is expected to give evidence about corruption and interference in the work of investigative bodies under the previous president and his wealthy friends from India. Proceedings start at 10:00, and the colonel won’t be pulling any punches when it comes to speaking the truth.
Commission will hear Law Enforcement related testimony from Retired Col: Johannes Van Loggerenberg on Wednesday 15 January 2020 at 10:00am #StateCaptureInquiry https://t.co/souwcAG3IJ pic.twitter.com/3ciUdvbJyK
— State Capture Commission (@StateCaptureCom) January 14, 2020