Matric exams: Education department investigating irregularities ahead of results release
The DBE is preparing a report for Umalusi in terms of matric exam irregularities. Thereafter, matric results will be released. Here are the dates.

The Department of Basic Education (DBE) is expected to deliver a presentation and report to quality assurance body Umalusi in the second week of February regarding any irregularities that may have taken place during the writing of the matric exams.
Director for Examinations Priscilla Ogunbanjo provided an update on Wednesday 20 January as to when matric learners could expect their results and what needs to take place in order for the results to be issued.
Matric exam irregularities may include cheating, copying and of course leaked papers which has seemed to plague the department. As the matric exams kicked off last year, two papers were leaked just hours before it could be written.
Ogunbanjo essentially put forward a timeline as to how things would pan out from now until the end of February.
She said mark capture is currently in progress and they are expecting it to be completed by 25 January. A pre-standardisation meeting will then take place on 2 February with all heads of department. Thereafter, on 12 February, the DBE will make its presentation to Umalusi in terms of irregularities and how it was managed.
“After Umalusi has made their pronouncement and they have approved the results, then we will be able to release preliminary data to higher education by the 19th and final data to higher education by the 25th,” said Ogunbanjo.
According to SABC News, Ogubanjo said she could not disclose if Umalusi has concerns regarding the matric exams.
“At this stage, we cannot say if uMalusi has concerns, they will say for themselves but we will present our report to Umalusi on February 12 2021”.
According to the Department of Basic Education, the ministerial release of matric exam results will be delivered on 22 February and the provincial release of results will take place on 23 February.
In other words, the general release of matric exam results will take place on the 22nd and matric learners should receive their individual results or statements the next day on the 23rd.
“After that, we will open the system for remark and recheck. We allow learners, as part of our regulations, that learners who are not happy with the marks they have received and feel that they could have done better than what was awarded to them, they are free to appeal and we have an appeals process which we call a remark. That process will begin immediately after the results have been released,” added Ogunbanjo.