Explainer: No, ‘saline intrusion’ isn’t going to hit Cape Town’s water supply
Dr Roger Parsons is a hydrogeologist with more than 30 years’ experience. He’s debunked a few myths regarding ‘saline intrusion’, and the threat of salt water getting into CPT’s aquifiers

The Cape Town water crisis doesn’t require any more panic than it’s already got. However, one hydrogeologist has set himself a challenge: To bust myths about the shortage, one by one. He’s started with ‘saline intrusion’…
Dr Roger Parsons wrote an informative, yet almost-scathing critique of an article he’d seen last week. Writing for The Daily Maverick, Parsons was dismayed that a particular author had chosen to say that Cape Town were pressing ahead with groundwater pumping, despite it threatening to draw seawater into the drinking supply.
We’re going to trust the Doctor on this one, though. After all, Cape Town needs all the help it can get. He’s been able to explain what saline intrusion is, how the experts avoid it, and the science behind the process:
What is saline intrusion?
Saline intrusion (sea water intrusion, salt water intrusion) – is a potential danger that comes from pumping groundwater, in order to collect and feed into the water supply. It’s the process of seawater finding it’s way into a fresh water supply.
Pumping groundwater is itself a relatively safe, and well-used method of re-using clean drinking water and keeping it in the local supply. However, reclaiming water from low-surface level means that experts have to take the Ghyben-Herzberg principle into consideration.
Erm… What is the Ghyben-Herzberg principle?
Don’t worry, you haven’t suddenly stumbled into a degree-level physics class. It’s actually quite easy to get your head around. The Ghyben-Herzberg principle is more like an equation.
Fresh water floats on top of the denser saline water. The interface between the two is about 40m below mean sea level, for every 1m that the water table lies above mean sea level. We find that infographics say more than we ever could, though:

How do experts safely collect groundwater?
Boreholes are drilled near to open water sources. Where groundwater is pumped, it can reach a certain distance. To safely collect groundwater, the experts must ensure that the radius of influence (so, the distance the pumping can reach) is a smaller distance away from the sea.
How is saline intrusion prevented?
Not only can it be managed by getting your geometry and distances correct, but “managed aquifer recharge” is also a tried and tested method for keeping sea water at bay. Where it belongs. MAR is barely a three step move:
- Water is added to an aquifer using specially designed ponds, trenches or boreholes to enhance the recharge to that aquifer.
- This allows the position of the sea water interface to be managed by artificially controlling the groundwater level.
- If implemented correctly, managed aquifer recharge could be an important tool in combating potential impacts resulting from groundwater abstraction.
Much like groundwater hydrologists, we’ve only scratched the surface here. Treat yourself to Dr Roger Parsons’ full debunking of saline intrusion here, at The Daily Maverick.