Level 1 loading: ‘Reduced restrictions on the cards for SA’ – economic experts
It looks like we are edging closer towards the closest thing to freedom we’ve known in the past 18 months, and experts can now see Level 1 over the horizon.

South Africa is unlikely to remain at Level 2 of lockdown for very long, according to a growing number of factors. As we reported on Sunday, all major COVID indicators are plummeting in Mzansi, opening the door for a swift shift to Level 1 before the end of the month. Indeed, some economic experts like what they are seeing, too…
Calls for Level 1 laws intensify
The Bureau for Economic Research has released its weekly report for 20 September. Looking back at the previous seven days, BER contributors say they are enthused by test positivity rates, and the ‘momentum of the vaccination drive’. Cases have fell off a cliff this month, and a review of SA’s lockdown situation is due this weekend.
With everything – quite literally, everything – going the right way for our country, a move to Level 1 is looking all the more plausible. Shorter curfews, fewer restrictions on alcohol sales, and relaxed laws on gatherings are all likely to come with the next transition, and the role of vaccines could soon play a part in State of Disaster regulations.
Economic experts suspect another lockdown change is coming
The government IS now open to the use of vaccine passports to help unlock large concert venues and sports stadiums. Vaccinated citizens, through a digital certification process, could soon return to entertainment complexes.
According to BER, the need to assist an economic recovery has grown, and a speedy sprint into Level 1 would certainly boost the state coffers heading into the end of the year. We’ll be keeping our fingers crossed for a family meeting to happen sooner rather than later…
“On the local COVID-19 front, the rate of infections continued to decline last week. Also lower was the rate of positive tests which has fallen to single-digit territory. With this, and the vaccination drive maintaining momentum, there are some that speculate that an additional reduction in restrictions could be on the cards.”
“This would further assist the economic recovery as we move into the fourth quarter of 2021.”