We can’t cure racism and there’s no point debating it either; ANC
ANC secretary general Gwede Mantashe has come out saying that racism cannot be cured or debated… ok.

Earlier this month Mantashe said that South Africa’s problems can’t be fixed by taking everything away from white people, a statement that went a long way in restoring hope in the aged leader’s ability to think critically on current issues.
“Those who are victims are impatient. Those who have been beneficiaries of racism have been emboldened and they say a number of things,” Mantashe said.
He was briefing journos after a three-day NEC meeting, when he said that president Zuma made a point of discussing racism ‘at length’ while reporting to the meeting.
Look, unless you’ve been living under a rock you’ll have noticed that racism above all else has taken the limelight in SA; heck, everyone from the opposition to businesses have come out strongly condemning it, with DA leader Mmusi Maimane saying that racist best not vote for his party as they’re not welcome, and even rolling out a race-based hiring plan.
Mantashe went on to say that the only way through our current dilemma is to “deal with social dynamics in society” and push for better transformation of the economy.
“It should be access to land and the allocation of land to people who have been deprived of access to land.
“All programs must ensure that black people benefit from the economy of the country.”
“Those who don’t have access to basic needs and basic necessities of development will never be able to debate whilst our people don’t even have access to land.”
“That is why… we refer to accelerating of the allocation of land. If we don’t do that, we are unable to address inequality and racism.”