“We cannot vote to collapse government” ANC explains why they will protect Zuma
Wow, just wow…

The ANC may have just put the final nail in the coffin for all South Africans who thought Jacob Zuma would be removed in the motion of no confidence on the 8th.
On Friday morning, the ANC Parliamentary Caucus Committee explained why the ANC will be voting against “this DA sponsored motion to remove the President.” The ruling party pointed to the “much debate and public interest” that surrounds the coming motion. They also said they want to clarify their stance on the matter and respond to the opposition.
Reasons the ANC will vote against the motion of no confidence
“First and foremost, we are not blind to the grievances raised by our people including our partners in the Tripartite Alliance about the state of affairs in government. The cabinet reshuffle; the country’s downgrading to junk investment status; the leaked emails regarding the notorious Gupta family influence on government and state capture have been raised as serious and legitimate concerns.”
“The Public Protectors’ State of Capture report [and others] have rightfully caused much anxiety and displeasure in society. As the ANC, we share this discomfort and anger at these revelations which are continuously unfolding in the public domain.”
The ANC caucus asked South Africans to know “they have an ally in the ANC caucus and not an enemy.”
The party then looked to back up that “ally” claim by listing all the times they “intervened” when the certain parts or sectors of the country were in crisis. They referred to the SABC’s new board as well as the Molefe Eskom saga.
“We equally intervened in Eskom resulting in the rescinding of the reappointment of the former Group Chief Executive Officer (GCEO) Mr Brian Molefe after he had resigned following his involvement in allegations of state capture. Parliament is currently conducting an inquiry into Eskom of which we are confident will result in those found of any wrong doing being taken to task.”
The ANC also credited themselves for intervening to stop Brian Molefe becoming finance minister. That is particularly bizarre when you consider that the president is an ANC president.
Motion of No Confidence
This next quote is where things get really embarrassing, and let’s be honest here, rather depressing as well.
“Voting in favour of this motion will be tantamount to throwing a nuclear bomb at our country. The removal of the President will have disastrous consequences that can only have a negative impact on the people of South Africa.
It will result in the entire cabinet having to resign which will lead to a collapse in government which will have deep and long lasting ramifications. It will plunge our country into complete political instability and economic uncertainty.”
While saying all of that, the ANC continue to insist that their vote is “not defending or protecting any individual”.
So, final words? Aside from “nuclear bombs” and “disasters,” the ANC say that any thought of Zuma being ousted on the 8th is merely “wishful thinking”