Vaccine latest: Motshekga seeks extension for teachers’ roll-out
Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga says more than 400 000 educators and other staff in the sector have been vaccinated

Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga intends asking the Department of Health to extend the vaccination roll-out of teachers and other school staff, after expanding the category of those eligible to be jabbed.
The Basic Education Department had initially planned on vaccinating over 582 000 staffers, however that figure has now changed to nearly 800 000 people on the Electronic Vaccination Data System (EVDS) – mainly food handlers, janitors, and support staff from independent schools and ECD centres located within school premises.
Motshekga said they are still finalising the data and confirming with provinces, all the additional people can now be vaccinated.
“We want to use the time to conclude the programme properly in the sector accommodate those excluded on terms of the criteria outlined by the Department of Health; these are the individuals who recently tested positive for COVID-19 and those who took the flu vaccine”
Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga
The minister said more than 400 000 educators and other staff in the sector have been vaccinated. The initial plan was to wrap up the vaccination of teachers by Friday, 9 July 2021, which was when schools were set to close. However, much has changed – schools were closed, in the wake of the spike in COVID-19 cases – and will reopen on 19 July.
Motshekga urges teachers to be vaccinated
It’s no secret that vaccine hesitancy has been a huge problem for the Basic Education sector. Minister Angie Motshekga has acknowledged that nobody can be forced to receive the vaccine, but has urged people in the sector to consider getting the jabs.
“As a Department, we respect an individual’s right not to be vaccinated, especially in those cases where people have indicated that they are not willing to get vaccinated. However, we would like to appeal to all our personnel to get the vaccine,” Motshekga said.
The minister has also indicated that all teachers will be expected back at work when schools reopen, including those who have comorbidities. There are 16 000 teachers with comorbidities, who gave been placed on special leave.
“We have discussed this matter with the teacher unions, and all 5, that are part of the ELRC, are in full support of this position,” she said.