WATCH: Officer SHOOTS man on wheelchair DEAD in chilling video
The 61-year-old wheelchair-bound man had reportedly stolen a toolbox and brandished a knife after a store employee asked for a receipt

A police officer who was seen on video shooting a wheelchair-bound man NINE times now finds himself on the wrong side of the law. An absolutely shocking clip has been circulated on social media recently showing Ryan Remington, an officer from Tuscon, Arizona in the United States (US) fire shot after shot toward 61-year-old Richard Lee Richards.
According to KGUN, Remington had been stationed at a Walmart (an American supermarket franchise) when an employee alerted him that a customer in a motorized wheelchair had stolen a toolbox. The employee the followed Richards to the parking lot and asked to see a receipt. “Instead of providing the receipt, Mr. Richards brandished a knife and said, ‘Here’s your receipt,’” said Police Chief Chris Magnus.
According to Magnus, Remington also followed Richards and tried to get him to surrender his weapon, but to no avail.
“Mr. Richards refused to comply, and instead continued to head through the Walmart and Lowe’s parking lots. According to the Walmart employee, Mr. Richards said, ‘If you want me to put down the knife, you’re going to have to shoot me,’” he said.
There are different versions of the video doing the rounds – the first being from the officer’s bodycam footage and the other being from inside the Walmart.
Well, Officer Ryan Remington could find himself without ajob very soon, but he isn’t taking the matter lying down. The fatal shooting of Richard Lee Richards is now being reviewed and depending on the outcome, Remington could face criminal charges.
His attorney, Mike Storie,said in a statement that Remington “had no nonlethal options.”
“He did have a Taser, but in his mind, he couldn’t use it because he didn’t feel he had the proper spread to deploy it, with the wheelchair between him and Richards,” Storie said.