Landmark ruling finds air pollution cause of UK girl’s death
The nine-year-old Ella Kissi-Debrah’s death certificate will now become the first in the world to list air pollution as a cause of death.

A nine-year-old girl who died after an asthma attack is thought to be the first person in the world to have air pollution listed as a cause of death in a landmark coroner’s ruling.
Air pollution exposure
According to CNN, Ella Kissi-Debrah lived in Lewisham, southeast London, near one of the UK capital’s busiest roads, the South Circular.
She reportedly died in hospital in February 2013 after suffering a cardiac arrest from which she could not be resuscitated, the coroner reported. Ella reportedly suffered from severe asthma that caused episodes of cardiac and respiratory arrest, and frequent emergency hospital admissions over three years. Now, the coroner concluded that Ella “died of asthma contributed to by exposure to excessive air pollution.”
The charities Asthma UK and the British Lung Foundation said Ella was the first person in world history to have air pollution listed as a cause of death on her death certificate.
“This is a landmark moment in the fight against toxic air.” Asthma UK said in a tweet. “Our hearts go out to Ella’s family who have fought tirelessly for so long. Her legacy puts the spotlight firmly on the invisible dangers of dirty air to everybody’s health but particularly for the millions of people with asthma, whose lives are impacted by it every day.
“We urgently need to see a seismic shift in the pace and extent to which the government, local authorities and clinicians work together to tackle our air pollution health crisis.”
The fight against toxic air
Assistant coroner Philip Barlow said that Ella’s mother had not been given information about air pollution and asthma that could have led to her take steps which “might” have prevented her daughter’s death, according to PA Media.” Air pollution was a significant contributory factor to both the induction and exacerbation of her asthma,” said Barlow as he gave his conclusions at Southwark Coroner’s Court after a two-week inquest.
“During the course of her illness between 2010 and 2013, she was exposed to levels of nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter in excess of World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. The principal source of her exposure was traffic emissions,” he said further.
Barlow said there was a failure in this period to reduce the level of nitrogen dioxide to within the limits set by EU and domestic law.
“We’ve got the justice for her which she so deserved,” Ella’s mother, Rosamund Kissi-Debrah, said after the ruling. But she added: “Also it’s about other children still as we walk around our city of high levels of air pollution. Her legacy would be to bring in a new Clean Air Act and for governments — I’m not just talking about the UK government — governments around the world to take this matter seriously,” said Kissi-Debrah, reported PA.
The worst air pollution in South Africa
Figures contained in a detailed air quality report, presented in Parliament by the Department of Environmental Affairs in 2019, show the Vaal Triangle’s air to be the most polluted in the country, followed by the coalfields of the Mpumalanga highveld. The third worst air quality can be found in and to the north of (“behind” in local parlance) the Waterberg in Limpopo.
Read More: These areas have the worst air pollution in South Africa