Matthew Willman with our Madiba. Photo: MW Photography, 2009.
Home » The man behind the lens: an intimate experience with Madiba
The man behind the lens: an intimate experience with Madiba
Matthew Willman, renowned South African photographer, shares with us some of his personal moments with Mr Nelson Mandela and how our nation’s hero encouraged him to live the legacy.
Matthew Willman with our Madiba. Photo: MW Photography, 2009.
Today, on Nelson Mandela Day, we celebrate a man who encompasses all there is to love about our beautiful South Africa. We have a dark history but we triumphed. We are still walking the long road to being a truly rainbow nation but we have hope.
Earlier this week I was incredibly fortunate to meet a man who is able to share a unique perspective on our beloved country.
Matthew Willman is a photographer who hails from Kloof, KwaZulu Natal. In his mid twenties he was commissioned to work with the Nelson Mandela Foundation and he photographed some of the most personal, quiet moments of the last ten years of Madiba’s life. The most famous image he captured was the iconic Madiba hand portrait which became the official logo for the 466/64 HIV & AIDS campaign in 2006.
I asked Matthew about his time with Mr Mandela, the incredible experiences he has had working with other famous and inspirational people and his charity work.
1. ‘A picture can speak a thousand words’, which of your Madiba photo’s means the most to you and why?
‘Perhaps the most intimate photograph I had the opportunity to take was this beautiful black and white horizontal portrait of Mandela. Perhaps its his smile the feeling of vulnerability or perhaps it’s the relaxed moment where Madiba was sharing a joke and as we laughed I took the shot. Beautiful man!’
An intimate portrait of Madiba. Photo: MW Photography.
2. You’ve worked with the likes of Madiba, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Annie Lennox, the Dalai Lama and others who are internationally renowned for their roles in working towards alleviating poverty, improving lives and embracing the understanding and importance of reconciliation and healing. If you could inspire every reader to believe in just one thing, what would it be?
‘Its quite daunting working with these fascinating people, its not always plain sailing but generally their charisma and personality makes the hard work well worth it. Yet when you go away you often feel like they all ‘up there’ and you have to return to the everyday aspect of living, earning, paying bills etc that I used to find myself over whelmed with frustration that all I was doing was work work work.
It wasn’t until late 2010 when I was working with Madiba in his office at the NM Foundation. I had 5 minutes before his next guest came in so I broke protocol, went over to Madiba and said “You the great Madiba, you have done so much to help others, what can I do as a common South African to make a difference?”
Madiba looked out the window and then quickly back at me and answered, “ You know, if you want to remain relevant, you must serve!” His words were so simple yet very true, I realized that we all have the opportunity to be of value if we look beyond ourselves and work to improve the lives of others.’
3. You’ve also worked on projects with international non-profit organisations such as Oxfam and Unicef. In your opinion, what are the 3 most important changes that our global society needs to change in order to end poverty?
‘Ive worked within the NGO sector for what is going on 16 years now. On the one side you have the public image of the NGO, the fundraising, marketing or what I call the personality of a certain NGO and then on the other side you have the dire need of those being helped by that NGO, be it through issues of poverty, domestic violence, floods, drought, lack of education, health care… the list is long.
As a photographer I have the privilege of meeting humanity at its most vulnerable be it in Ethiopia or around the corner in a township in South Africa. The camera affords me the opportunity to meet the challenge head on with no frills, raw and tragic. With this insight and the experience built up over the years I can share my thoughts on this issue of change.
Matthew’s work with international charities allows him to get up close and personal with people from a variety of communities across the globe. Photo: MW Photography.
The catch phrase ‘Sustainable development’ does not work, we need to move on from this and rather focus in on better practices that embody words like ‘Community Engagement’. This involves respecting how communities operate, knowing what forms the core of their social structures take on and what in their past has protected them and where the failures occurred.
Funders (mostly corporate) need to realise that the success of the NGO sector does not read like an ‘input / output’ profit system. We all know that pouring money into a situation has not always worked. Sometimes its not the money that helps but rather the efficiency and experience by those on the ground that makes the real difference. You don’t put R1 million rand in and expect R1 million rand + investment out. Sure we would all like that but we dealing with human lives here and not a production line.
Things are very unpredictable, you invest time, talents and finances that hopefully with good practices sets the platform for expectation and a feeding ground for success but there will always be external factors that will influence the outcome. When a society becomes unstable you cant expect the same results as when money is put into a community where there is running water, food, safety and security. Success in the NGO sector is incremental.
Through his work with Oxfam and other organisations, Matthew has a vast knowledge on poverty and how communities possess the answers to their own issues such as food security. Photo: MW Photography.
Very often the NGO has good intentions to help and to reform an environment but their approach and attitude is wrong which leads to failure. Don’t do for someone what you only intended to help them do. The best form of help I have found has been through empowering others to help themselves. Its arrogant for us to think that we as educated communities in so called 1st world countries have the answer to developing nations problems.
We will always have poverty in this world, that is a fact, so to measure your success on global statistics is ridiculous. The trick is to remain faithful to the task and service you bringand to see that help and service right through to its completion. There is never a quick fix with poverty or what I call the ‘Human Condition’. It takes time and the correcting of our attitudes towards the poor that needs to be changed first. Only then will we see great strides happen.’
4. You previously mentioned a lesson that you learnt from Madiba about the importance of the journey in reaching one’s goal or dream. In what ways do you feel your journey thus far will impact your influence on society going forward?
‘Im merely a photographer, the output of my interest that I have in exploring the lives of others fortunately through my clients in the NGO sector has made and continues to make a difference in bringing to the worlds attention to issues that threaten communities particularly in Africa. My journey is not important but what is important is that there are organisations and people out there who have the power to influence change.
I realized with my work with Madiba that yes it was great to achieve, after 9 years of trying to get to him, this opportunity to work with him. Looking back I understand now that it was not so much the achievement of that goal that was important but that it gave me a life worth living. It gave me something to fight for, to dream about and to keep me on the straight and narrow in search of that dream.
So in essence it was the journey to Mandela in my formative years that was the real winner. Everything else was blessings back for having the willpower to stay the course.’
A delighted fisherman with his catch in Mozambique. Photo: MW Photography.
5. Why did you spend 18 months living on and photographing Robben Island and how did this lead to your involvement with the Mandela Foundation?
‘Well the first time I ran around Robben Island I got arrested and taken back to the offices of the Museum to be interrogated as to who I was and why I was breaking their laws photographing a National Heritage site. They let me go with a warning but then I did it again and again and this landed me in a lot of trouble. But this time I had my images to show and they liked them which lead me to gain permission to work on the Island which then caught the attention of the Mandela Foundation who in the end afforded me through official channels to complete certain aspects of my documentation process that focused on Mandela’s life on the island. In those days I had nothing to loose and everything to fight for with these big and influential organisations. I was hungry to explore and remain so today…’
6. In 2011 you launched the Matthew Willman Visual Arts Foundation. What was the inspiration behind this and what has been your most memorable achievement with your foundation thus far?
‘The inspiration was two fold. The words Madiba said to me about ‘being relevant one must serve’ and secondly I needed a platform to work from that was legit and could grow into its own.
For us as a foundation its been the success of all our projects from dance academy’s to HIV & Aids Centres where we have been able to use our abilities to either raise funds or to create new projects in the community. We proud of the success of those we have been able to fund at tertiary level studies within the arts.’
7. What was your experience and thoughts on visiting Madiba’s home in Qunu, Transkei?
‘I love the Eastern Cape, each season has its own charm. I loved visiting Madiba’s house in Qunu and I can easily understand why Madiba loved it down there. I just wish that the National Freeway didn’t run right past his front door!’
Mr Mandela is the world’s most revered statesman and a global symbol of hope. Photo: MW Photography
8. Will you be holding any exhibitions in SA, UK or further afield any time soon?
I have had much success in the US with my latest exhibition titled: The Mandela Heritage Collection. It’s a body of photographic works that explores very intimate portraits of Madiba. The collection also explores many of the places and private writings that were so much a part of this great mans life. It’s a wonderful insight into what helped shape the life and times of Nelson Mandela. My goal is to see it exhibited in London and around the world.
The true beauty of Africa is found in it’s people. Photo: MW Photography.
9. One Young World Summit began with the idea of finding the next Madiba. You were invited as one of the 190 young leaders in 2013, tell us about your experience.
‘I was invited as one of 25 councilors that worked with over 2000 young leaders from around the world creating spaces for dialog on a cross section of issues that we are facing today. It was a fantastic experience. My role was to share my work and lessons learnt with Mandela to the various audiences but most importantly to provide an insight of my experiences working in Africa and how we as NGO’s are working at the forefront of many humanitarian issues.’
10. Do you think South Africa will eventually become the rainbow nation that Madiba dreamt of?
‘For a brief time we were, we held it central to our belief in who we were/are. I don’t believe we’ve lost it, it’s still there but it needs to now anchor itself on a new vision that builds national pride. I believe that new vision is to be found in us building solid foundations where our success is seen in areas like: higher education, service delivery, clean water, dependable electricity and importantly to reduce the influence of corruption across the board. We are not a morally corrupt nation, we a nation with equal opportunities and we are still a hotbed for entrepreneurial opportunities. These are things that give us value, makes us proud to call South Africa home.’
A beautiful moment of children playing in water. Photo: MW Photography
11. Lastly, do you have any plans to celebrate Nelson Mandela Day on Saturday?
‘Yes, I will be out in Hoedspruit working with a group of 20 young adults of Australian Aboriginal origin who are out on a cultural exchange through an organization that promotes diversity and leadership through cultural practices and understanding.’