Inside the inspirational world of Carl Pistorius on Twitter
As media focus begins to keenly shift towards the upcoming ‘trial of the century’, we take a look at Oscar Pistorius’s older brother Carl’s social media habits – a man who seems to be forever in search of inspiration

THE trial of Oscar Pistorius, accused of the premeditated murder of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, is about to start at the beginning of March, with media interest already running on full-speed ahead of the hearings. But before the world’s attention starts focusing on the paralympic athlete’s fate, we thought we’d examine his brother Carl Pistorius’s fascinating online routine.
Carl, who was actually acquitted in court last year for causing the death of a motorcyclist, is a budding athlete in his own right, and seems to fancy himself as a bit of a Hulk (as per his Twitter account image).
But first and foremost, Carl appears to be a self-confessed social media fanatic with an avid keenness to spread motivational messages and quotes through his tweets, which are geared towards a staunchly Christian following, and are often interlaced with impressive images of beautiful landscapes, nature and wildlife as well as other online memes – kind of like a KykNet version of “Songs of Praise”.
So here are some of the highlights from his @carlpistorius Twitter account from the past 12 months, including hashtags, shout-outs and all gratuitous spelling errors.
On relativity
February 2, 2014: Everything is relative. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly. #havemercy #begracious #exerciselove
On sin
December 4, 2013: “The glory of God’s faithfulness is such that no sin of ours has ever made Him unfaithful.” – Charles Spurgeon
On the nature of love
November 27, 2013: 2 love sum1 deeply with the love of Christ gives u strength. Being loved by sum1 who deeply loves Christ gives u courage.
On self-help
October 6, 2013: “Christianity is not a self-improvement program, it’s a replacement program.”
On Reeva Steenkamp
August 19, 2013: Remembered like yesterday. My life was impacted by u @reevasteenkamp & the lady u were! Always close to our hearts.
On sleep
August 15, 2013: “Maintain necessary rest to remain in a state of peace.” – the HULK
On being a morning person
July 1, 2013: RiSE & SHiNE! This is the day The Lord has made – get PASSiONATE, be GREATFUL, give THANKS & SERVE others! Y E A H !
On allergies (?)
June 28, 2013: Take time out to contemplate – breath in life and exhale CHRiST. #meditate #livingword
On overcoming the odds
June 8, 2013: “It’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.” – Sir Edmund Hillary
On communication
May 30, 2013: Next time you feel the urge to tell someone “I know”, replace those words with “You’re right”. Empower others when you speak.
On Feminism
May 12, 2013: Girls need to start looking for guys who have goals, ambitions, and an education. ‘Cuz 10yrs from now, swag isn’t going to pay the bills.’
On being a control freak
April 23, 2013: “Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.” – John Wooden
On Freedom of Speech
April 22, 2013: If I had a dime 4 every persons unqualified opinion…. #thejokeisonyou
On physics
April 17, 2013: “Keep focused, moving forward, momentum is the impetus gained by the development of a process of actions.”
On Oscar Pistorius
April 9, 2013: “There is nothing like the sight of an amputated spirit, there is no prosthetic for that.” – Al Pacino #seekHisface
On the meaning of life
February 20, 2013: “My strength lies solely in my tenacity 2 pursue Jesus. It is no secret tht only in that strength do we live meaningfully.” – Carl Pistorius
By Sertan Sanderson, 2014