The ANC is “clueless” and “immoral”
The party is turning its back on human rights and freedom by allying itself with the worlds “nastier” regimes.

A new article by The Economist magazine titled Clueless and Immoral focuses on the ANC’s discussion documents set to be tabled at this year’s National General Council (NGC); specifically, the document’s stated opinions on Western Nations.
In the document, the ANC makes a few very bold and potentially disastrous statements like:
- The fall of the Berlin Wall “marked not the freeing of captive nations in Europe, but a regrettable triumph of Western imperialism.” Wait, what? The ANC basically believes that communist Russia and the oppression of the German people – among others – by means of the Berlin Wall was cool.
- Secondly, the ANC called the pro-democracy protests in Tiananmen Square — where the Chinese government executed students for protesting the oppression of the communist regime – “an American-backed counter-revolution.”
- As if that’s not enough, the party also claims that Russia’s illegal and aggressive invasion of sovereign Ukraine was “a conflict directed from Washington,” – yeah, Russia had nothing to do with Russian soldiers invading Ukraine… they were actually Americans dressed in hand-me-down uniforms.
- Finally, and here’s the humdinger, the ANC document suggested that South Africa ‘seek to have American military bases thrown out of Africa’.
”If this were a spoof, it might be amusing. Yet the document is entirely serious: its contents are to be debated at the ANC’s policy conference in October. Its authors include several serving and retired cabinet ministers, including a former foreign minister. South Africa risks becoming a laughing-stock, not least in Africa itself,” the piece continued.
The Economist’s article went on to highlight policy differences between the Mandela and Mbeki administration, but made a point of noting that under Jacob Zuma South Africa’s human rights-guided policies have fallen by the wayside.
The article went on to mention that the government’s refusal to allow the Dalai Llama entry to South Africa while happily rolling out the red carpet for Omar al-Bashir and defying the International Criminal Courts orders shows that the ANC would rather side with a man wanted for alleged mass-murder and rape than a human rights activist.
”All countries struggle to balance principles and national interests. Yet South Africa’s revolutionary foreign policy serves neither. ”
The Economist said ”few buy the ANC’s argument that Vladimir Putin’s Russia is a victim and Barack Obama its cruel oppressor”.
The article also mentioned that ‘the African National Congress is involved in BRICS as part of forming an alternate world economic force, with Brazil, Russia, India and China. But, none of the BRICS countries can claim, as the US can, to have saved millions of African lives through the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief’.
They also did not help as Western countries did, to provide soldiers, equipment and intelligence, against militias in Mali or northern Nigeria.
”If the ANC now rejects South Africa’s liberal friends and throws in its lot with some of the world’s nastier regimes, it will be doing Africans a grave disservice.”
Via Fin24
Cover image: Rand Daily Mail