South African wines pulled from Denmark shelves after “Bitter Grapes” doccie
Supermarkets in Denmark have started taking South African wines off their shelves following a documentary about conditions for farm workers.

A new documentary, called “Bitter Grapes – Slavery in the Vineyards” has led to South African wines being pulled from the supermarket shelves in Denmark.
The documentary, produced by Danish filmmaker Tom Heinemann and broadcast in Denmark and Sweden this past week, exposes the conditions of farm workers in the country.
Amongst the revelations is that many farm workers put in 12 hour shifts, for which they earn just R100, well below the South African minimum wage. Migrant workers are paid even less.
The use of toxic pesticides – without training offered to the workers – have also led to workers falling ill. Pesticides are often used without masks or protective gear.
The workers say they cannot complain as they could lose their jobs if they do.