South African Londoner does Long Walk to Freedom for Mandela
A Wimbledon-based South African has invited other London South Africans to walk home from work on Mandela Day, Thursday 18 July, to honour Madiba’s long walk to freedom – why not join him?

Wimbledon-based South African Marky Warren (author of influential blog Pharside.co.uk) is challenging other London Saffas to walk home from work tomorrow on Mandela Day to honour Madiba’s long walk to freedom – why not join him?
“Thursday 18 July is Mandela Day… Not just a day for giving but also a day for dedicating time in honour of the great man and to feel a sense of achievement by doing something for yourself that will make you feel awesome,” said Warren.
He explained that as part of training for his upcoming first ascent of Mount Kilimanjaro, he has been walking the 24km to his Wimbledon home from his office in Canary Wharf, twice a week. But he has decided that as of this week he will do it every day.
“I will be dedicating tomorrow’s walk home to Nelson Mandela and I’m inviting and challenging every Saffa in London to get in on the action. To pack your takkies, baggies, sunnies and a t-shirt, and walk home to freedom from the confines of your place of work… trust me, it’s really very doable, and what better time to do it in this glorious sunshine that we’re having at the moment. I guess the question is, do you really want to risk baking like a slow roasting chicken on the train because the trains are screwed tomorrow evening, or enjoy a pleasant leisurely stroll that will leave you feeling incredible that you achieved something in honour of a legend. I don’t think the choice is a very hard, is it?” Warren wrote on his blog.
“So arrange to meet up with a friend and enjoy a great chat as you conquer the journey home whilst taking in a very different view of London which will make you appreciate this beautiful city so much more… or put your headphones on and do it solo – it really gives you a lot of time to think about a lot of things,” he suggested.
Warren encouraged others working near Canary Wharf heading towards Wimbledon to join him on his trek. “I will be leaving Cabot Square at the Starbucks stand at 6pm sharp, just spot the Red PharSide cap. The three hour route will take us along the river which has some stunning views, we’ll cross over at Tower Bridge and walk along the river to London Bridge Station, then pretty much follow the Northern line to Wimbledon. Boys, I can tell you there are exceptional views when passing Clapham Common at this time of the year. For the girls, I’ve seen Touch Rugby being played there as well!”
“Spread the word, share this with all your mates and let everyone else boil on delayed trains. It won’t cost you a thing, you’ll feel phenomenal at the end, so you have so much to gain, and at the same time be doing it in honour of the legend who is Nelson Mandela. You can even put on your Facebook status that you walked ‘X km’ for Mandela Day. Just a word of warning… once this bug bites and you realise how doable this is you’ll be wanting to do it again… and again and again.”
He invited all participants to Suburban Bar in Wimbledon for a celebratory drink afterwards.
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