South African-grown Avozilla, world’s biggest avocado variety, lands in UK
Called the Avozilla, this avocado variety is extremely rare and comes from just four trees grown by one of the world’s biggest suppliers of avocados, in South Africa.

YOU may have encountered some of these growing wild in Limpopo Province and other parts of Africa. Now what is believed to be the world’s largest avocado variety, which hails from South Africa, has hit selected supermarket shelves across Britain.
Called the Avozilla, this variety is extremely rare and comes from just four trees grown by one of the world’s biggest suppliers of avocados, Westfalia.
At five times the size of the standard variety, the Avozilla is almost five inches long and weighs about 1.3 kilograms.
They went on sale exclusively at Tesco stores on Saturday, retailing at £3 each, although given their scarceness it is not clear how widely available they will be.
Tesco salad buyer Emma Bonny said, “The Avozilla has a fantastic taste with a rich, juicy, buttery texture, and creamy flavour. The ripe fruit is an attractive vivid green colour — different from the darker coloured smaller variety — and its thick skin can actually be used as a serving bowl for guacamole.
Bonny said avocados were one of the supermarket chain’s fastest growing areas in produce with a staggering 30 per cent growth so far this year.
According to The Guardian, 240,000 tonnes of avocados were shipped to Europe last year, an increase of 9% on 2011.
“Commercial demand is growing rapidly in Europe and despite the downturn, supply has increased,”said Derek Donkin, chief executive of the South African Avocado Growers Association.
First cultivated by the Aztecs, avos are now grown in many countries. The UK’s biggest suppliers are Chile, Peru, Spain, Israel and South Africa.
Avocados contain more potassium than bananas and are high in monounsaturated fats – the good fats which reduce cholesterol.
Read more about South African food in UK:
And then there was gem squash…
Kitskos opsie ‘n slegte opsie?
Two easy to make avocado recipes:
- 3 spring onions
- 1 large tomato
- 1 large avocado
- 2tbsp crème fraîche
Finely chop the spring onions. De-seed the tomato and chop into small pieces.
Puree the avocado, this is best done by forcing it through a fine metal sieve.
Stir the crème fraîche into the avocado then fold in the chopped tomatoes and spring onions.
Serve with corn chips or, for a healthy option, with carrots, cucumber or crudités or spooned into little gem lettuce leaves.
Avocado and Crème Fraîche Pasta
- vine cherry tomatoes
- 3 tbsp – olive oil
- salt & pepper
- 100g (3 ½ oz) – pasta
- avocado
- 3 tbsps – olive oil
- 100g (3 ½ oz) – crème fraîche
- 1 bunch – basil
- ½ – lime
- ½ cup – pine nuts, toasted
Roast the tomatoes with the olive oil and seasoning.
Prepare the pasta as per the pack instructions.
Scoop out the insides from avocado and mash with the crème fraîche, chopped basil and squeezed juice from the lime.
Stir the mixture into the pasta and add more pepper to taste.
Serve with the pine nuts and tomatoes on the side.
Stir the mixture into the drained pasta on the hob to keep the dish hot, but be quick!
What’s your favourite way to eat avocados? Share it with us below…