South African geneticist and graphic artist predict how prince will look
Johannesburg-based genetic counsellor teams up with graphic artist to reveal how she thinks the newborn prince will look as a toddler and a teenager.

A South African genetic counsellor has come up with images of what the son born to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge could look like as a toddler and a teenager.
The 3.8 kg royal baby was born at 4.24pm at St Mary’s Hospital in Paddington on Monday. He is now the third in line to the British throne after Charles and his son William. This is the first time in 119 years that there have been three generations waiting in succession to the throne.
Johannesburg-based Suretha Erasmus teamed up with graphic artist Theuns Kruger to reveal how she thinks the newborn will look as a toddler and a teenager.
Because of Prince William’s strong resemblance to his late mother, Erasmus believes the baby could share many of Diana’s facial features. However, bearing in mind that dark genes are dominant, she predicts there is a strong chance the boy may inherit Kate’s dark hair.
It could take several days before the prince’s name will officially be announced. The chosen moniker is likely to set a naming trend for a generation of babies.
James is now the betting public’s favourite, at 2/1.
George, the earlier leader among boys’ names, now joins Prince Harry’s real name, Henry, at 5/1.
Most punters had clearly expected a girl, with Alexandra the favourite at 7/4.
James has links to both families, but William’s cousin is already called James – the Earl and Countess of Wessex’s son.
George is one of Prince Charles’ middle names and has been the name of six Kings of England. It was the Sovereign name of the Queen’s father, George VI, whose actual first name was Albert.