SASSA: Where to find the right R350 Grant details
The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) have announced the latest R350 SRD grant details. Here’s how to get the right grant payment date.

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) have announced the latest R350 SRD grant details. March 2024 social grant payments are scheduled later in this month.
However, there are many fake ‘social grant’ websites and scams. Scams steal your information, and won’t provide updated grant payment information.
Where can you find the right SRD social grant details?
You should only trust verified, government links.
Here’s how to avoid scams and make sure you have the latest information about social grants.
SASSA: R350 SRD Grant Payment Dates
All other SASSA grants have paid for March.
The R350 SRD grant is the month’s last paying grant, according to SASSA. Grant payments happen between 25 to 29 March, 2024 for all approved grant recipients.
Expect your payment within this time period. Allow ‘two to three days’ for clearance time.
Collect your approved grant on these dates.
Rejected grants will have to reapply..
SASSA: R350 Grant Payment Schedule
The R350 social grant payment schedule is available from the social security website.
Only visit verified government links for all social grant details. Scammers, who might steal money or data, control other websites claiming to be government.
Links that end with ’.gov.za’ are South African government links. Other links claiming to be government are scams and fraudsters.
About the SRD Grant
Citizens or refugees with no support may apply for the SRD Grant.
It’s your right to apply for a South African social grant. You can apply for state assistance, including Disability Grants, Child Support and Foster Grants, and R350 SRD Grants.
Apply for your social grant online.
You might need your Proof of Residence, Income, and Identity Documents.
SASSA: Apply for your grant here
Apply for your SASSA grant at this link.
You can also apply at regional grant offices.
If you have social grant questions, contact the agency at the information given at the article’s end.
A means test determines if you qualify.
Avoid fake grant websites
Avoid going to fake grant websites.
Government links end with .gov.za. Other endings (like co.za) mean that it’s not an official government website, and it could be a scam.
Be careful to avoid scams that steal your information or money.
SASSA: Social grant contact details
Need more social grant information?
Contact the social security agency at GrantsEnquiries@sassa.gov.za.