SA expat needs 10k signatures to have UK government ‘respond’ to Bell Pottinger petition
It’s a day of petitions, guys.

Controversial PR firm Bell Pottinger has been in the news for all the wrong reasons. If you haven’t been paying attention, the PR firm has featured prominently in the #GuptaLeaks.
Investigative journalists from amaBhungane and Daily Mavericks Scorpio revealed that Bell Pottinger helped the MK Military Veterans Association and the ANC Youth League in their campaigns to discredit Gupta critics and those of President Jacob Zuma.
They also uncovered how the term “white monopoly capital” was a bit of propaganda invented by the Bell Pottinger.
Read: #GuptaLeaks: Latest cache confirms “white monopoly capital” was just propaganda
Martin Peake has now started a petition demanding that the UK Parliament investigate the firm.
He claims that the firm’s actions “have resulted in many murders in South Africa”.
Now, we’re not quite sure where Peake gets these claims from, no such evidence has emerged from the #GuptaLeaks, perhaps he knows something the investigative journalists who actually have access to the e-mails don’t.
None the less, the letter he wants to be delivered to Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn reads:
“Bell Pottinger, a morally corrupt British company, have spent the last few years in a devisive campaign of racial and moral social decay, that has left South Africa scared, set back the lifeworks of great men like Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu, and resulted in the deaths of countless innocents as a result of their racially charged hatred.”
It goes on to list a number of offenses and controversies the PR firm has been implicated in, beyond South Africa’s borders.
In the UK, petitions with 10 000 signatures are required to “receive a response from the government”. At 100 000, petitions will be considered for a debate in Parliament.
It currently sits at just over 5000. You can view the petition on change.org.
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A petition calling for Baleka Mbete to OK a secret ballot is gaining momentum