Quarantine kick-backs: Cala site owned by MEC’s daughter
One of the quarantine sites identified in the Eastern Cape, the Mioca Bed and Breakfast in Cala, has ties to the MEC of Transport, Safety and Liaison.

One of the quarantine sites identified in the Eastern Cape allegedly has ties to MEC of Transport, Safety and Liaison, Weziwe Tikana-Gxothiwe.
Quarantine kick-back
The Mioca Bed and Breakfast in Cala has served as a quarantine site in the province housing 14 patients this week.
DA Chief Whip in the EC Legislature Marshall von Buchenroder has called for an investigation into the matter, asking how the site came to be selected as well as how much the state spent on accommodating the 14 patients who were quarantined at the lodge between Wednesday and Friday.
“The Democratic Alliance is deeply concerned about revelations that one of the quarantine sites identified in the Eastern Cape, the Mioca Bed and Breakfast in Cala, has ties to the MEC of Transport, Safety and Liaison, Weziwe Tikana-Gxothiwe,” von Buchenroder said.
“Serious questions need to be answered relating to how this specific Bed and Breakfast, which is reportedly owned and operated by MEC Tikana-Goniwe’s daughter, Kwakhanya Tikana, was identified as a quarantine site in the first place.”
The chief whip said that at this time it was vital that government remained above reproach and avoided the appearance of impropriety to ensure good faith is maintained with the general public.
“At a time like this, the government needs to put its best foot forward and ensure that there is no appearance of a conflict of interest, or any indication of impropriety or wrongdoing if it is to keep the public’s trust in the processes being implemented.
It is therefore troubling that the MEC of Health, Sindiswa Gomba, has said she was not aware that the Mioca Bed and Breakfast in Cala had been used as a quarantine site.
Questions must be answered
Von Buchenroder said the DA will be submitting questions to both the MEC of Health as well as to the MEC of Public Works, Babalo Madikizela, for a full report on the matter. He went on to urge continued co-operation between political parties and various arms of government and the state.
“We will also be asking for a full report on the other accommodation facilities that have been identified,” von Buchenroder added, “and whether background checks have been conducted at these facilities to prevent similar instances from occurring going forward.
“At a time like this, when all parties need to work together, we cannot allow allegations of impropriety to break the solidarity that we need to defeat this pandemic.”
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Eastern Cape health MEC Sindiswa Gomba denied knowledge of Cala residents being quarantined at the lodge.
“As the department of health, we heard the story equally as you heard it. The only thing that got to me was a call from mayor [Nontombizanele] Koni who said they’ve got issues similar to PE and Port St Johns in terms of a funeral and out of that there were people who had tested positive.
“She was asking for a quarantine site and I said fine but why a quarantine site if they are already positive. People who are quarantined are those you want to test so that you can be sure you’re able to release them on the basis they are positive or negative.
“When they are positive, it is only then you’re able to take them to isolation, whether self-isolation or confined. In terms of protocols we isolate those who are sickly and those who justify they don’t have space to isolate at home. Our first case was a confined isolation case in Emadwaleni.
“I directed Koni to speak to the district manager and that was where I left the issue. When I actually called back to check on the issue, I found that there was a gap in that district in understanding how to deal with the issue.
“The next I know is that people have already been put up,” Gomba said.
Tikana-Gxhothiwe’s spokesperson Unathi Binqose confirmed the lodge was owned by the MEC’s daughter. The MEC was apparently unaware of any arrangement, though and has denied any involvement in the process of selecting the site.
“Tikana-Gxothiwe had no knowledge of the arrangement until she caught up with the social media storm it caused.
“She would like to refer all inquiries on this matter to public works and health department authorities as they are better positioned to provide details on the processes followed,” Binqose said.