Twin sisters’ bags 15 DISTINCTIONS between them
Twin sisters Kauthar and Firdous Adam achieved 15 distinctions between them.

Twin sisters from Crawford International College in Pretoria have achieved a remarkable 15 distinctions in the Independent Examination Board matric exams.
Kauthar and Firdous Adam show that hard work pays off.
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Kauthar obtained eight distinctions, and her sister Firdous achieved seven distinctions in the 2022 matric exams.
Kauthar said her secret was she worked hard and played hard, the Citizen Reported.
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She said she would work hard during the week and spend time with family and herself on weekends.
“I focused and worked hard. I put all my attention and focus into class. By the time I had to study, I already knew the work.
“I made sure I understood everything because if you understand your foundation, it is much easier to build up from there,” she said.
Kauthar said the hardest was losing family members to death during the June examinations.
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“I had two family members, of which one was like a mother to me passed away during the June exams.
“That was very difficult for me. She was part of who I am, so it was hard.”
Kauthar Adam
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Her twin sister Firdous said waking up early to study was her secret to success.
“I set a routine to wake up early. I went to bed early and woke up early. I made sure I got enough sleep which helped.”
Firdous Adam
She echoed her sister, saying it was difficult when some family members passed away.
She said the death in the family was challenging to get through.
Kauthar said she plans on studying medicine, followed by clinical pharmacology or biology, and Firdous said she is interested in health science.
“I want to work in a field that actively helps people heal. The medical industry in our country can always do with an extra set of helping hands.”
Firdous Adam