Parents protest outside parliament ahead of budget speech 2021
Learners, youths and parents will be protesting outside Parliament ahead of Tito Mboweni’s budget speech demanding a “People’s Budget” that prioritises basic human rights.

Equal Education (EE) has demanded that Finance Minister Tito Mboweni reverse the cuts to the basic education budget and prioritise spending on education when he delivers his budget speech on Wednesday.
EE will be holding a protest outside the Parliament building in Cape Town today to ensure its demands are heard ahead of the budget speech.
“Government is placing less importance on education when deciding how to spend its money, and last year Minister Mboweni announced that the government would reduce education funding every year for the next three years. The consequence is that the right of learners to basic education is being compromised,” EE said.
Parents and leaners to protest ahead of budget speech
Among the crowed will be learners, post-school youths and parents who will be protesting alongside other social movements who are demanding a “People’s Budget” that prioritises basic human rights instead of austerity. “EE members in Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo and the Eastern Cape will also be protesting against education budget cuts, at provincial legislatures and on social media,” EE said.
EE criticised National Treasury for failing to prioritise basic education as shown in the Supplementary Budget tabled in June last year, which sliced R2.1 billion from the overall Department of Basic Education (DBE) budget. A sum of R1.7 billion was cut from school infrastructure grants, and a further R4.4 billion was been reallocated within these grants to cover COVID-19 expenses.
“To add insult to injury, R276 million was taken from the basic education budget to fund South African Airways,” EE said.
Schools battling without proper infrastructure
According to EE almost 2 000 school infrastructure projects had been stopped or delayed in the 2020/2021 financial year. This included new projects, maintenance and repairs, and upgrades.
“At a large number of schools in rural areas, learners and teachers are subjected to dangerous and undignified plain pit toilets and don’t have access to a reliable water supply. In many urban schools, overcrowded classrooms make quality teaching and learning extremely difficult. According to the Norms and Standards for Public School Infrastructure, all schools should have been provided with enough classrooms, electricity, water, and toilets, and with fences, telephones and internet by 29 November 2020,” EE said.
EE is calling on Mboweni to:
- Ensure that basic education funding grows in line with education inflation
- Ensure that National Treasury increases funding for school infrastructure;
- Ensure that the DBE, provincial education departments, and all government service providers use public money efficiently and effectively;
- Ensure that the National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP) has the money needed to feed every the learner who qualifies while our schools are open and when learners are not in classrooms every day.
- Classify the DBE as a frontline department in the fight against COVID-19.